So you want to emulate a Dragon.....
The most accurate modern Dragon 32 and Dragon 64 emulator is XRoar and this is available for many platforms direct from its homepage and has been ported to several other platforms. The next best solution is MESS which can also emulate the Project Alpha (Dragon Professional) and Project Beta machines, followed by the older MS-DOS based PC-Dragon II and T3 emulators.
One emulator that I would love to see ported is Mocha - It is a Java based emulator of the Tandy CoCo 2 and allows you to play games within your web browser - Would love to have a Dragon version to host here with full access to all the software.
Several emulators can be found in the download section of the archives.
XRoar Dragon 32, Dragon 64 and Tandy CoCo
MAME Dragon 32, Dragon 64, Project Alpha, Project Beta plus too many others to list
T3 Dragon 32, Dragon 64 and Tandy CoCo (designed for MS-DOS - includes some enhancements for Windows 95/98 - no virtual disc support and no sound under Windows NT/2000/XP onwards)
PC-Dragon II Dragon 32, Dragon 64 and Tandy CoCo (designed for MS-DOS - includes some enhancements for Windows 95/98 - no sound)
Mac OS
XRoar Dragon 32, Dragon 64 and Tandy CoCo
MAME Dragon 32, Dragon 64, Project Alpha, Project Beta plus too many others to list, formerly SDLMESS, but merged into current MAME development
Linux / Unix
XRoar Dragon 32, Dragon 64 and Tandy CoCo
MAME Dragon 32, Dragon 64, Project Alpha, Project Beta plus too many others to list, formerly SDLMESS, but merged into current MAME development
DREaM Dragon 32, Dragon 64 and Tandy CoCo (requires an Amiga with at least a 68020 processor - no virtual disc support)
XRoar Dragon 32, Dragon 64 and Tandy CoCo
XRoar Dragon 32, Dragon 64 and Tandy CoCo
Nintendo DS
XRoar Dragon 32, Dragon 64 and Tandy CoCo
PlayStation Portable
XRoar Dragon 32, Dragon 64 and Tandy CoCo
XRoar Dragon 32, Dragon 64 and Tandy CoCo
XRoar Dragon 32, Dragon 64 and Tandy CoCo
DragonDC (port of XRoar) Dragon 32, Dragon 64 and Tandy CoCo