Dragon Mythbusters: The Dragon 200E!

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Re: Dragon Mythbusters: The Dragon 200E!

Post by zephyr »

sixxie wrote: BTW, I know there are more that can be type with Shift+7 then a character in lowercase mode, but I can't easily map sequences of keypresses like that right now.
That is a disappointment. :(
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Re: Dragon Mythbusters: The Dragon 200E!

Post by zephyr »

The ( @ ' ) key is still not working correctly. It works OK when shifted for @, but not for the unshifted '. Try holding down Shift+( @ ' ) key, then try holding down the ( @ ' ) key without Shift.

EDIT: Holding down Shift+7 (') does not work correctly even without the translation.

EDIT: The backslash (\) key is not working in translation mode.
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Re: Dragon Mythbusters: The Dragon 200E!

Post by sixxie »

Wait hang on, we're talking the 200-E specifically here? And when you say "hold down" you mean to invoke autorepeat?

Apostrophe doesn't autorepeat on the 200-E, instead it acts as a dead key to allow entering accented characters (only in lowercase), or press again to get an actual apostrophe. Obviously as I don't have one I'm basing that assumption on the emulation, but it seems like reasonable behaviour - maybe Rob can confirm it?

And I don't know if you can even type a backslash on the 200-E the list above has all the unshifted & shifted keys I've found. Obviously Shift+Clear is used to get '@', so it can't be involved in backslash on this one.
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Re: Dragon Mythbusters: The Dragon 200E!

Post by robcfg »

Ok, I'll give it a go tonight.

Can you compile a list of things I should be testing on the 200E?
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Re: Dragon Mythbusters: The Dragon 200E!

Post by zephyr »

sixxie wrote:Wait hang on, we're talking the 200-E specifically here?
sixxie wrote:And when you say "hold down" you mean to invoke autorepeat?
sixxie wrote: Apostrophe doesn't autorepeat on the 200-E, instead it acts as a dead key to allow entering accented characters (only in lowercase), or press again to get an actual apostrophe.
Rob, can you please explain the function of this "dead key" in detail.

sixxie wrote: And I don't know if you can even type a backslash on the 200-E the list above has all the unshifted & shifted keys I've found. Obviously Shift+Clear is used to get '@', so it can't be involved in backslash on this one.
Its a very poor computer that can't produce a simple backslash from the keyboard! :o
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Re: Dragon Mythbusters: The Dragon 200E!

Post by robcfg »

Hi guys!

Yesterday I tested the keys with and without shift key pressed, the result can be seen on the attached picture.

I didn't noticed that shift+enter turns on lowercase mode, so I'll do the same tonight on lowercase mode and post the results.

The dead key does nothing while in uppercase mode rather than wait till you press shift+7 again. No other key will have any effect. Pressing shift+7 again, puts an apostrophe and lets you type as usual.

Edit: First rows of characters are without shift pressed, while the second set of rows are with shift pressed.
D200E_KeyboardCharacaters.JPG (236.37 KiB) Viewed 4554 times
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Re: Dragon Mythbusters: The Dragon 200E!

Post by robcfg »

Here you have the same test as previous post, but in shift+enter mode.

Shift+space produces the same symbol. Shift+7 plus a,e,i,o and u gets the accented letters.

I don't know how to use the other symbols like greek letters and such. Any ideas?
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Re: Dragon Mythbusters: The Dragon 200E!

Post by sixxie »

I think they're probably only accessible through PRINT CHR$() (values lower than 32 for most of them).
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Re: Dragon Mythbusters: The Dragon 200E!

Post by retrocanada76 »

run this:

10 CLS
20 FOR N=0 TO 255:POKE &H400+N,N:NEXT
30 GOTO 30

and show us the picture :)
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Re: Dragon Mythbusters: The Dragon 200E!

Post by sixxie »

He already did that here!

And here it is under emulation.
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