Moving to Dragon world

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Posts: 1474
Joined: Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:18 am

Re: Moving to Dragon world

Post by zephyr »

retrocanada76 wrote: BTW: on the real tano everything runs faster, see the calixto clock ticking. What could explain that ? I felt the overall system too.
This is caused by the following test added to the start of the Dragon BASIC keyboard routine.

Code: Select all

BBEE 8E0151   LDX   #$0151
BBF1 7FFF02   CLR   $FF02
BBF4 F6FF00   LDB   $FF00
BBF7 CA80     ORB   #$80
BBF9 E184     CMPB  ,X
BBFB 2772     BEQ   $BC6F
Posts: 675
Joined: Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:33 pm

Re: Moving to Dragon world

Post by Alastair »

Re. Calixto speed, read the section under the heading "Do you have any interesting stories from your CoCo days?" near the end of this Bob Withers interview. :D
Posts: 1474
Joined: Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:18 am

Re: Moving to Dragon world

Post by zephyr »

tormod wrote:
KenH wrote:Could you post a link to your source code?
I wasn't able to find it in the toolshed repo.
That's an old, broken link you've got there (thanks Sourceforge for not providing redirection of old locations...). You can search "toolshed" on then click Code and you'll find: ... ee/hdbdos/
I tried downloading the source code from the mercurial with "hg clone ... ee/hdbdos/ E:\TOOLSHED" (as instructed here by KenH) but it fails and displays the following message.
abort: ' ... ee/hdbdos/' does not appear to be an hg repository:
---%<--- (no content-type)
Using the old URL "hg clone ... d/toolshed" has always worked perfectly. Why does it fail with the new URL?
Posts: 182
Joined: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:50 am

Re: Moving to Dragon world

Post by KenH »

Steve ,
For the new repository use

Code: Select all

 hg clone
as shown under http access here: ... ee/hdbdos/
Posts: 1474
Joined: Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:18 am

Re: Moving to Dragon world

Post by zephyr »

Thanks Ken. :D I will take a look at the source code when I get some spare time.
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