XRoar 0.29, Can't get it to work - Help !

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Re: XRoar 0.29, Can't get it to work - Help !

Post by davidbowman »

zephyr wrote: All of the ROMs work perfectly on my PC with XROAR running on Windows XP Pro. Just out of interest; does this "ready to go" installation of XROAR work OK on your machine?
I was getting the same results as before with this "ready-to-go" installation, but thankfully it had a list of BAT files, containing command line instructions, which gave me an insight into what I was probably doing wrong.

My initial understanding was that ROMs such as d64rom2.rom or bas12.rom could be run by themselves but it looks like they need d64rom1.rom or d32.rom to be installed first - is this where I was going wrong ?

I was typing "xroar -machine dragon64 -extbas d64rom2.rom", but
It should be "xroar -machine dragon64 -extbas d64rom1.rom -altbas d64rom2.rom".

So it seems to be that I don't know which roms are the initial BASIC rom and which are the add-ons.

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Re: XRoar 0.29, Can't get it to work - Help !

Post by sixxie »

Yes, d64_2 or d64rom2 refer to the alternate BASIC ROM in a Dragon 64 - the one that gets copied into RAM for use in 64K mode (when you EXEC 48000).

The files with names like bas12, extbas11, etc. are Tandy CoCo ROMs.
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Re: XRoar 0.29, Can't get it to work - Help !

Post by zephyr »

All of the CoCo basXX (Color BASIC) ROMs can be run by themselves, but not the extbasXX (Extended Color BASIC) ROMs.
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Re: XRoar 0.29, Can't get it to work - Help !

Post by davidbowman »

Many thanks for all the help guys, I've just one more question..hopefully just one more.
How do you get the joystick emulation to work ?

I've tried the "Control+J" option but I don't see any changes on the screen (testing on "Dragon Data Ltd - Berserk.rom" and "Dragon Data Ltd - Metioroids.rom").
With Metioroids (sic) I can get the spaceship to rotate using the left & right cursor keys and the gun to fire using the Spacebar, but can't get the spaceship to move forward; I'm sure it should move forward, at least it did in the arcade game - if my memory serves me well.
With Beserk no keys will move the character.

It's unlikely that I'll be playing games on the Dragon emulator, other than for testing cassettes or roms I've transferred to the PC.

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Re: XRoar 0.29, Can't get it to work - Help !

Post by zephyr »

Try the following BASIC program to check that the joystick emulation is working correctly on your machine.

Code: Select all

10 CLS
40 PRINT@224,"RIGHT:";RX;RY;" -- LEFT:";LX;LY
50 GOTO20
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Re: XRoar 0.29, Can't get it to work - Help !

Post by davidbowman »

zephyr wrote:Try the following BASIC program to check that the joystick emulation is working correctly on your machine.

Code: Select all

Thanks for the tip, this gave a hint as to what I might be doing wrong and help me get the Joystick to work.
Initially when running the BASIC program nothing happened but mashing away on "Control+J" got the returned values to change; what I was expecting to see when pressing "Control+J" was a screen response showing the changing options, and as I pressed "Control+J" several time the joystick option probably got selected then deselected.
Meteoroids & Beserk now work fine.
I'll play around with the command line option "-joy" and create a batch file to select the joystick option that works for me.

Thanks again,
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