Auctioning my Dragon 32k on ebay

A forum for members to offer for sale any Dragon related items to other members. DO NOT POST LINKS TO AUCTIONS. I will use this forum in the future to offer all my spare games to members of this site before they go on e-bay.
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Auctioning my Dragon 32k on ebay

Post by boomow »

Hi People :) hope you don't mind me posting

just incase any of you guys from the uk are interested ive put my Dragon up for auction ebay here: ... 528wt_1401

Shipping it UK because quite a few international people have asked about it but the shipping cost are very high package is about 3kg
Thanks for looking 8-)
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Re: Auctioning my Dragon 32k on ebay

Post by robcfg »

Greetings from the CPCWiki! ;)
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Re: Auctioning my Dragon 32k on ebay

Post by sixxie »

robcfg wrote:CPCWiki
I thought that must be you on there - I was looking around for nyan on other 8-bit platforms and found a thread with your nick in it :)
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Re: Auctioning my Dragon 32k on ebay

Post by boomow »

Greetings cpcwiki small world!!
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Re: Auctioning my Dragon 32k on ebay

Post by Cloete »

Hi. Do you have any DRAGON TEXT BOOKS?
My sister lives in London and flies to South Africa every 6 weeks. That's how she brought me my Dragon 6 months ago.
I need text books. Please can you post a list of all your text books?
And I need an ASSEMBLER type program. Was wondering if you might have such a program?
Hope you can assist or refer me.
Pretoria South Africa
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Re: Auctioning my Dragon 32k on ebay

Post by Alastair »

Cloete wrote:Do you have any DRAGON TEXT BOOKS? And I need an ASSEMBLER type program. Was wondering if you might have such a program?
If you haven't already done so, you may wish to download the MC6809 Microprocessor Instruction Set Summary, there are also manuals for ALLDREAM in the manual downloads section and for DASM/DEMON in an upload thread. Files for various assemblers are available in the relevant download sections, some are cassette images and can therefore be transferred to a real Dragon (disc images can also be transferred should you have the appropriate hardware). Also check out the Uploads section of this board as some other assemblers or documentation of interest could be hiding there, such as cartridge and cassette downloads of Premier MicroSystems 'Encoder 09' assembler/disassembler.
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