Compusense Flex Manuals

Looking for a Dragon or CoCo game not already in the archive - Then request it here and hopefully it will either be uploaded to the archive or another member can upload it to this forum.
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Compusense Flex Manuals

Post by bluearcus »

Having had a quick trawl through the archive it seems that there are few (none?) of the Compusense Flex product manuals digitised at the moment.

I have a couple here, and I believe Tony Jewell has a few as well. It would be good to get a list of what people have and try and get them digitised I think.

I have the following:

Manual for "Flex Utilities"
Manual for "Flex Basic for Dragon - Tandy Color"
Manual for "Dynacalc"
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Re: Compusense Flex Manuals

Post by rolfmichelsen »

Have you had a look at

-- Rolf
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Re: Compusense Flex Manuals

Post by bluearcus »

Hi Rolf,

Yes, I've been looking at a lot of the FLUG and Simon Wynn's collected stuff, but I was specifically hoping to see what we can accumulate in terms of the documentation that accompanied the compusense releases, as that seems completely absent from the archives.

Of course it will be largely covered by the generic SS50 machine release docs, but there are some things we don't have documentation for, like details of the Dragon hw specific adaptations. It would be good to fill the holes in the archive as far as possible.

I'm still plugging away at getting a complete re-engineered PL/9 language release for the Dragon and Coco, most of the way there, and that has all been done by referring to the generic SWTPC etc flex and pl/9 docs.


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Re: Compusense Flex Manuals

Post by tjewell »

Okay, in my Compusense manual collection, I have:

Flex Operating System Editor and Assembler
Flex Implementation Guide
RMS Database for Flex
Flex Basic for Dragon - Tandy Color
Dynacalc Electronic Spreadsheet for Flex

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Re: Compusense Flex Manuals

Post by bluearcus »

Cheers Tony.

Fingers crossed someone out there has the user manual!
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Re: Compusense Flex Manuals

Post by admin »


I have the following (some more than once!):

Flex Utilities x2
RMS Database for Flex x2
Dynacalc Spreadsheet for Flex x2
Flex Operating System (User Manual) - SAMPLE NOT FOR SALE !
Flex Basic for Dragon - Tandy Color x2
Flex Implementation Guide x3
Flex Operating System Editor and Assembler (User Manual plus TSC 6809 Assembler in one ringnound manual) x2
Flex Advanced Programmers Guide x2
6809 Debug Package (TSC 6809 Debug)
6809 Flex Diagnostics
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Re: Compusense Flex Manuals

Post by prime »

Right I have :

Flex implementation guide
Flex Advanced programmers guide
Crunch Cobol
6809 Flex diagnostics
Flex operating system editor and assembler
Flex Basic for the Dragon - Tandy Color

All manuals are spiral bound.


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Re: Compusense Flex Manuals

Post by bluearcus »

Cheers Phil.

Getting quite a decent lineup now...
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