Dunjunz tapes for sale!

A forum for members to offer for sale any Dragon related items to other members. DO NOT POST LINKS TO AUCTIONS. I will use this forum in the future to offer all my spare games to members of this site before they go on e-bay.
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Dunjunz tapes for sale!

Post by sixxie »

So I had a few tapes of Dunjunz made up for the Cambridge meet and predictably enough I have some left over! As a few people expressed an interest, I've now got enough stuff together that I can sell these off at cost price (this is a rewrite of someone elses game, seems a bit dubious making money off it) and have them probably survive the posting process (Jiffy Padded Bag - supposedly good for the sharp edges a tape case has).

Prices would be £5.55 UK first class. £7.25 Standard to Europe or £12.65 for "Tracked & Signed" which is getting a bit pricey. £7.95 Standard to USA, or £13.35 for "Tracked & Signed".

Paypal only - paypal@6809.org.uk - I pretty strongly suspect there won't be enough orders that I run out, but just in case they do, please do contact me to reserve one first!

What you'd get: a custom duplicated tape in standard library case with pretty nice inlay on card. 2 copies of game on each side.
The inlay
The inlay
inlay.jpg (41.82 KiB) Viewed 17771 times
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Re: Dunjunz tapes for sale!

Post by Vyper68 »

I sent you a payment for a copy shipped to the UK :D
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Re: Dunjunz tapes for sale!

Post by acsi »

Standard post to New Zealand?

Thanks and great work BTW.
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Re: Dunjunz tapes for sale!

Post by sixxie »

acsi wrote:Standard post to New Zealand?
Just slightly more than to USA: £8.10 total.

I notice on the price calculator that there is a slightly cheaper option, but it takes 84 days! (Instead of the 5-7 working days for the above). Must be by sea rather than "par avion"...
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Re: Dunjunz tapes for sale!

Post by acsi »

Excellent I'll send you a PM with my address and make the payment. :D
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Re: Dunjunz tapes for sale!

Post by drmarkb »

May I ask if there are any of these left, and if so are they still the same price?
I must have missed this thread. Reading apparently is not my strong point....
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Re: Dunjunz tapes for sale!

Post by sixxie »

There are, and they would be! I'll probably not be able to get to them until the new year though :)
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Re: Dunjunz tapes for sale!

Post by drmarkb »

Super. Time is not an issue for me. I would just be delighted to add another Dragon game to the collection, they don't come along too often. It is a lovely idea to do an inlay. I still don't have a physical disk-drive, and still enjoy loading from tape.

Is there a signed for first class price? Is it a F and F Paypal payment you need as opposed to goods/services?

I have a Paypal, in my wife's name to make the payment- I have everything in her name, I have the misfortune to have someone with the same name as me (almost) and birthday- he has a bucketful of debt and has served time to boot, so I keep a low profile to avoid confusion with him. It is one of the reasons on different groups if I am using my name either I normally use my first/middle names only or just title/first name/initial.

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