Uploading CAS, WAV or VDK files

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Uploading CAS, WAV or VDK files

Post by admin »

When uploading CAS, WAV or VDK files to the Wiki pages - please ensure these are as original as possible. I want to try keep the Wiki "clean" and only host images of original tapes and disks rather than rely on the old legacy (and often incomplete) CAS files etc.

If an original is not available, then please ensure the CAS file is as close to the original as possible in terms of sync bytes and headers etc (using FIXCAS and testing in Xroar or on a real dragon is recommended)... Put comments against the file if you know or suspect how the file differs from the orginal tape.

If you can create a better, more accurate CAS file then do so and update any existing files on the Wiki.

Thanks to Rolf and Alistair for all their contributions to date.
Simon Hardy
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Re: Uploading CAS, WAV or VDK files

Post by Alastair »

To clarify, does this mean that the Wiki and this site's downloads section are treated as separate entities?
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Re: Uploading CAS, WAV or VDK files

Post by admin »

I would like to migrate from the existing downloads area - to which only I have upload access to using the Wiki as the download medium - to which you all have access to upload and update.

In the downloads area, as we know, are plenty of sub-standard CAS files for legacy reasons and I really don't want them going into the Wiki if I can help it. As a minimum they have to have the correct number of sync bytes to allow them to load on a real dragon and ideally they are a confirmed accurate representation of the real tape (auto-run, loading screen etc...).

This will expand to all the content of the downloads area....
Simon Hardy
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Re: Uploading CAS, WAV or VDK files

Post by Alastair »

admin wrote:As a minimum they have to have the correct number of sync bytes to allow them to load on a real dragon and ideally they are a confirmed accurate representation of the real tape (auto-run, loading screen etc...).
So are the FIXCASed versions I uploaded fine, or do I have to do them all again? (A smilie denoting "Eeek! That's not something I really want to do again!" would be useful just about now.)
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Re: Uploading CAS, WAV or VDK files

Post by admin »

Yes, they are fine as they *should* load on a real dragon... until somebody can improve on them with a more accurate version - I just added your Trekboer fixed CAS file to the Wiki.
Simon Hardy
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Re: Uploading CAS, WAV or VDK files

Post by Alastair »

I don't think I created the Trekboer image, I think all the ones I uploaded contained a text file in the Zip with the text file giving loading instructions and other details about the program. My Cas files are also all dated 23/09/2000 (as that's the date when I first created an image), though of course you lose that date if you download the Cas rather that the Zip.
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Re: Uploading CAS, WAV or VDK files

Post by admin »

Simon Hardy
Posts: 675
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Re: Uploading CAS, WAV or VDK files

Post by Alastair »

admin wrote:You did create it !!
I see, I created the FIXCASed version but not the original image.
Site Admin
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Re: Uploading CAS, WAV or VDK files

Post by admin »

Do you have a zip of all the ones you have done you could upload to the "Uploads" forum... Or attache each one to a Wiki page (if not already done)...?
Simon Hardy
Posts: 675
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Re: Uploading CAS, WAV or VDK files

Post by Alastair »

After I've worked out which images I created I'll upload a zip to the Uploads forum.
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