DragonMMC progres report.

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Re: DragonMMC progres report.

Post by sixxie »

prime wrote:
pser1 wrote: Talking about autorun CAS files, there are some that load a small amount of code (in the hooks area) that
autoruns and then it controls the needed data-code blocks to be loaded.
I assume that this will work too, unless they use internal non std ROM calls instead of the known and
recommended entries (bit-byte-block in-out ...)
Most of them should work, I've tested a few, if you know of some you think I should test :)
A couple that probably won't work are Tube Way Army and Superkid (custom loaders entirely run from RAM). A couple of interesting loaders that should be ok are Rommel's Revenge and Fire Force (heh, both examples from same companies :) ).

Edit: be interesting to see what it did with - I think - Cosmic Cruiser... Three file parts, each with filename blocks, but if the loader actually reads in a filename block it fails - there's a delay with the motor on before it starts reading again. Don't think you can do much about the RAM loaders, but that one you technically could, although probably more trouble than it's worth!
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