Feasibility Experiment

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Feasibility Experiment

Post by pser1 »

And this came out of the same tape ...
Another text adventure from Channel 8 Software, year 1983

Feasibility_Experiment (1983)(Channel 8 Software).zip
(5.04 MiB) Downloaded 350 times
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Re: Feasibility Experiment

Post by snarkhunter »

... Thank you!
And please note that the whole set of Channel 8 adventures is available on one of my '.VDK' files. This may be downloaded from the usual resource.
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Re: Feasibility Experiment

Post by pser1 »

thanks for remembering me that!
I had dowloaded your VDK files long time ago, but I forgot to have a look at
all the 'pack' disks I have, just searched among the CAS and WAV files ...


Ps It is going to be a lot of work, but it would be nice to have every game in
an individual VDK file to be used, for instance, with the CoCo-SDC as CoCo
users do. Disk space is not a problem ...
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Re: Feasibility Experiment

Post by snarkhunter »

I do agree. It's just that the "SAVE to vdk" feature of XRoar did not prove so efficient so far (and it is just the same with MESS, I think). Everytime I tried to use it on single files, I either got an error or a huge ".vdk" file as a result.

Moreover, the files I have on ".vdk" are not a replica of the original, but executables that had any protection removed. The same is true with my version of the "Scott Adam's" or "Dragon data" adventures that are also available in the Archive. Therefore, this would sure make them useful items, but definitely not genuine ones - by any means...

Kind regards,
Last edited by snarkhunter on Sun Oct 09, 2016 9:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Feasibility Experiment

Post by sixxie »

Save to VDK feature?
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Re: Feasibility Experiment

Post by pser1 »

you are right, Lionel
I was thinking more for players use than for preservation purposes.
We should preserve, if possible, the original with all of its parts.
It doesn't seem an easy task to extract the needed files for each program/game
and save them into a new VDK file, despite most of them will be one file - one VDK
Only the ones that 'hate' the DOS need a loader and the DOS-detacher.

Just to compare, I have a CoCo-SDC with most of the CoCo software and each
game/application is inside it's own folder.
On the other side for the Dragon we have collections (by Chris Poacher) that
are VDK or DSK that contain each one more than one program, not so userfriendly!

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Re: Feasibility Experiment

Post by snarkhunter »

sixxie wrote:Save to VDK feature?
... Sorry, Ciaran. I was actually meaning "Save to disk whilst using emulated output", which means writing the data to a ".vdk" file, which usually results in the size of the ".vdk" file becoming kind of a mess.

I haven't tried this again in a while, but I seem to remember I did not like what I got when I last tried!

And as far as finding my collection of "Channel 8/Scott Adams" adventure games is concerned, the former are on my "ADVEN02A/B" disk (11+5 games), and the latter on "ADVEN03A/B" (13+1 games). It's obviously not for preservation sake, but only for those who'd like an easygoing way of playing them all!
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Re: Feasibility Experiment

Post by pser1 »

a few months ago, I had to put as many ORC files inside VDK virtual disks as possible.
ORC files are scores for Orchestra90-CC.
I used the program "DragonDos" created by Rolf Michelsen.
It works on a DOS windows and accepts being called from a bat file, so for
that case I used this one:

Code: Select all

for %%a in (*.orc) do (
   Dragondos WRITE %1.VDK %%a
and executed "batname disk01" to get the disk01 full with the orc files from the folder.
It adds all the files in the folder where it is executed to the requested VDK file,
that should exist there too.

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Re: Feasibility Experiment

Post by Alastair »

Pere, as with the Arrow of Death - Part 1 upload this upload is missing the Dragon 64 graphics data file.
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Re: Feasibility Experiment

Post by pser1 »

I have uploadded the version I found in an old C60 tape, recorded back in the 80's (backup compilation).
It seems to be just the program, not the whole tape, but that's just what I have found, sorry :-(
As I didn't find it among the CAS - WAV files in the archive I thought it was worth uploading it for
preservation purposes. If anyone has a better version, I am sure we all will appreciate that complete version!

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