Paged directory display for DragonDOS

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Paged directory display for DragonDOS

Post by zephyr »

Attached below is a program which gives a paged directory display under DragonDOS versions 1.0, 1.1,1.2, 4.0 and 4.1. The display consists of a clearing of the text screen followed by a display of up to 14 lines (depending on how many files are on the disk) and a pause to wait for the user to press a key. Pressing the break key will result in the routine returning to BASIC without losing any of the screen display (no scrolling). Pressing any other key (except shift) will result in a repeat of the screen clear and 14 line display followed by a pause. The last two lines of the 16 line display are intentionally left blank to prevent the screen from scrolling (and losing any of the displayed files) when the break key is pressed and the routine returns control to the BASIC operating system. DragonDOS 4.1 comes with a paged directory display as standard, but it is not very good because it does not offer the all-important option of using the break key to return to BASIC if you want to load a file, etc when the display is paused.

The zip archive contains separate versions for DragonDOS 1.0 to 1.2 and DragonDOS 4.0/4.1. There is a version for the Dragon 32 and a version for the Dragon 64 and 64K RAM upgraded Dragon 32's. There are also ROM dumps of DragonDOS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 4.0 and 4.1 which have been expanded to 16K and patched with the paged directory display routine.


(1) Enter CLEAR200,32605 before loading the Dragon 32 version at its default address.

(2) All versions of the program are written in position independent code.

(3) You can disable the paged directory display at any time by entering POKE377,57 (Restores the original display of whichever DragonDOS version you are using).

(4) Entering POKE377,126 will re-enable the paged directory display.

(5) The 64K version switches the Dragon to 64K mode (MAP1) only when the DIR command is used. 32K mode is used for all other BASIC and DOS commands.

EDIT: Archive updated on the 29th of March, 2014.
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Re: Paged directory display for DragonDOS

Post by snarkhunter »

... Thank you - that's pretty interesting. And it seems I'm already using a patched ROM file unde'r XRoar since my DIR listings already feature such an automatic pause. This and the "print to .txt file" feature have made it possible for me to start transferring part of the ".BAS" files to PC text. Now, editing and translating all of this into English is only a matter of time.
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