Hello from germany

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Tom Phobos
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Hello from germany

Post by Tom Phobos »

Hi and Hallo from Germany :)

My name is Thomas and i'm a big fan of classic computers and videogame consoles. Well, actually i don't own a Dragon, but i won an auction of a Dragon 32. It should arrive this week. Then the part will start that i love when a new computer arrives: Discovering the new system :) Actually i'm a real Dragon newbie, so i hope you can give me some help, also please forgive me if i ask some stupid newbie questions ;)

OK, that's from me ... i hope tomorrow i'm a new Dragon user :)

Best wishes
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Re: Hello from germany

Post by robcfg »


I wasn't a Dragon user when I was young, but got one 64 and I fell in love with it.

Don't hesitate to ask anything!
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Re: Hello from germany

Post by snarkhunter »

Hello, and welcome to the lair, then!

If you're already familiar with some early personal computers and how to program them, then I believe you should not find it too difficult to tackle a Dragon 32. And there's now plenty of documentation or resources available, so hopefully it will be easier for you than it used to be for most of us in the early 80's!

By the way, will you be using it with a disk drive system or a tape recorder?

Kind regards,
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Re: Hello from germany

Post by jedie »

Ebenfalls willkommen im Forum :P
... too many ideas and too little time ... Related stuff written in Python:
Dragon 32 emulator / PyDC - Python Dragon 32 converter: https://github.com/jedie/DragonPy
DWLOAD server / Dragon-Lib and other stuff: https://github.com/6809
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Re: Hello from germany

Post by Iksarfighter »

Welcome in forum.
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Re: Hello from germany

Post by pser1 »


wellcome to the forum.
The best place in the world to find and share Dragonware info and programs as well as hardware :D

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Re: Hello from germany

Post by Bosco »

Hi and welcome.

I'm sure you'll love your Dragon. :D
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Re: Hello from germany

Post by Rolo »

:D Hallo!
Another German guy, finally.
Tom Phobos
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Re: Hello from germany

Post by Tom Phobos »

hmm, my last message wasn't approved ... next try :)

Thank you for the warm welcome :D My Dragon arrived next week, i tested it with a cable for the Atari XL (seems to have the same pins for video and audio), but the picture that it produces is not very good. So i'll try another one :)

@snarkhunter: Actually i want to use a tape recorder or MP3-player. I hope i have the chance to get a disk drive soon :) Also i would like to buy a Multicart :)
@jedie: Ah, noch jemand aus Deutschland, sehr schön :)
@Rolo: Bist Du auch aus Deutschland / are you also from germany?
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Re: Hello from germany

Post by rolfmichelsen »

Tom Phobos wrote:Hi,
hmm, my last message wasn't approved ... next try :)
Sorry about that. I'm sometimes not able to check the moderator queue every day. You're now a full member of the community and posts will not be subject to review. Welcome to the community.

-- Rolf
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