Bin2Cas for Windows

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Bin2Cas for Windows

Post by zephyr »

Here's a Windows compile of Ciaran's bin2cas utility.

Enter "bin2cas --help" to view the following text from the command line.

Code: Select all

usage: bin2cas OPTION... input-file
       bin2cas --blocks TYPE:LENGTH[,TYPE:LENGTH]... input-file
Generate a cassette image from binary input.

  -D                   input file is a DragonDOS binary
  -C                   input file is a CoCo RSDOS binary
  -l ADDR              load address in filename block
  -e ADDR              exec address in filename block
  -n NAME              name in filename block
  -o FILE              output file (defaults to stdout)
      --leader COUNT   leader size before filename block and data
      --no-filename    no filename block required in output
      --no-eof         no EOF block required in output
      --eof-data       EOF block allowed to contain the last chunk of data
      --wav-out        output a WAV file instead of a CAS
  -r, --wav-rate RATE  sample rate for WAV output

In standard cassette image mode, load and exec addresses are determined from
the binary if DragonDOS or RSDOS binary format is specified, otherwise they
should be specified as an option.

With --blocks, each block TYPE and LENGTH is explicitly specified.  If LENGTH
is negative, this means "use all but the last -LENGTH bytes".  If TYPE is the
character "l", a leader of LENGTH bytes is emitted.
EDIT: Attachment removed.
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Re: Bin2Cas for Windows

Post by zephyr »

Version 2.2 has been released.
# - convert a raw/DragonDOS/CoCo binary into a .cas file.
# Ciaran Anscomb, 2011-2014. Public Domain.

# v2.2: fixed wav header when using --blocks
# added 'p' block instruction
# fixed blocks help text

Code: Select all

usage: bin2cas OPTION... input-file
       bin2cas --blocks [l | p | TYPE:LENGTH]... input-file
Generate a cassette image from binary input.

  -B                   input file is raw binary (default)
  -D                   input file is a DragonDOS binary
  -C                   input file is a CoCo RSDOS binary
  -l ADDR              load address in filename block
  -e ADDR              exec address in filename block
  -n NAME              name in filename block
  -o FILE              output file (defaults to stdout)
      --leader COUNT   leader size before filename block and data
      --no-filename    no filename block required in output
      --no-eof         no EOF block required in output
      --eof-data       EOF block allowed to contain the last chunk of data
      --wav-out        output a WAV file instead of a CAS
  -r, --wav-rate RATE  sample rate for WAV output

In standard cassette image mode, load and exec addresses are determined from
the binary if DragonDOS or RSDOS binary format is specified, otherwise they
should be specified as an option.

The argument to --blocks is a comma-separated list of instructions:
  l             emit a leader
  p             emit a ~0.5s pause (wav), or leader (cas)
  TYPE:LENGTH   emit block of specified type and length from input.  If LENGTH
		is negative, use all but the last -LENGTH bytes from the input.
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Re: Bin2Cas for Windows

Post by zephyr »

Version 2.3 has been released.
# - convert a raw/DragonDOS/CoCo binary into a .cas file.
# Ciaran Anscomb, 2011-2014. Public Domain.

# v2.3: --dzip pipes binary data through dzip (requires dzip, obv.)
# --dunzip implies --zip and prefixes autorun dunzip loader

Code: Select all

usage: bin2cas OPTION... input-file
       bin2cas --blocks [l | p | TYPE:LENGTH]... input-file
Generate a cassette image from binary input.

  -B                   input file is raw binary (default)
  -D                   input file is a DragonDOS binary
  -C                   input file is a CoCo RSDOS binary
  -l ADDR              load address in filename block
  -e ADDR              exec address in filename block
  -n NAME              name in filename block
  -o FILE              output file (defaults to stdout)
      --leader COUNT   leader size before filename block and data
      --no-filename    no filename block required in output
      --no-eof         no EOF block required in output
      --eof-data       EOF block allowed to contain the last chunk of data
      --wav-out        output a WAV file instead of a CAS
  -r, --wav-rate RATE  sample rate for WAV output
      --dzip           pipe file input through dzip
      --dunzip         autorun header with dunzip (implies --dzip)

In standard cassette image mode, load and exec addresses are determined from
the binary if DragonDOS or RSDOS binary format is specified, otherwise they
should be specified as an option.

The argument to --blocks is a comma-separated list of instructions:
  l             emit a leader
  p             emit a ~0.5s pause (wav), or leader (cas)
  TYPE:LENGTH   emit block of specified type and length from input.  If LENGTH
		is negative, use all but the last -LENGTH bytes from the input.
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Re: Bin2Cas for Windows

Post by Bosco »

Good stuff! :D

Thanks guys.
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Re: Bin2Cas for Windows

Post by sixxie »

Does the call out to dzip work ok in Windows then? I was paranoid that my use of open2() wasn't exactly safe, so have updated it again to use a forking technique.

Edit: if you want to test, here is a dzip executable (built using mman-win32) - should just be a case of dropping it your PATH somewhere.
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Re: Bin2Cas for Windows

Post by zephyr »

Thanks Ciaran! 8-)

Windows compile of version 2.4 (with dzip.exe included) attached.
# - convert a raw/DragonDOS/CoCo binary into a .cas file.
# Ciaran Anscomb, 2011-2014. Public Domain.

# v2.4: use safe pipes for --dzip

Code: Select all

usage: bin2cas OPTION... input-file
       bin2cas --blocks [l | p | TYPE:LENGTH]... input-file
Generate a cassette image from binary input.

  -B                   input file is raw binary (default)
  -D                   input file is a DragonDOS binary
  -C                   input file is a CoCo RSDOS binary
  -l ADDR              load address in filename block
  -e ADDR              exec address in filename block
  -n NAME              name in filename block
  -o FILE              output file (defaults to stdout)
      --leader COUNT   leader size before filename block and data
      --no-filename    no filename block required in output
      --no-eof         no EOF block required in output
      --eof-data       EOF block allowed to contain the last chunk of data
      --wav-out        output a WAV file instead of a CAS
  -r, --wav-rate RATE  sample rate for WAV output
      --dzip           pipe file input through dzip
      --dunzip         autorun header with dunzip (implies --dzip)

In standard cassette image mode, load and exec addresses are determined from
the binary if DragonDOS or RSDOS binary format is specified, otherwise they
should be specified as an option.

The argument to --blocks is a comma-separated list of instructions:
  l             emit a leader
  p             emit a ~0.5s pause (wav), or leader (cas)
  TYPE:LENGTH   emit block of specified type and length from input.  If LENGTH
		is negative, use all but the last -LENGTH bytes from the input.
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Re: Bin2Cas for Windows

Post by zephyr »

Version 3.0 has been released.
# - convert a raw/DragonDOS/CoCo binary into a .cas or .wav file.
# Ciaran Anscomb, 2011-2014. Public Domain.

# See the output of " --help" for detailed usage information, with
# examples.

# v3.0: complete overhaul
# supports multiple parts
# builds reasonably arbitrary autorun loader
# update VDG & SAM configs during loading
# manual cursor flasher for when video offset changed
# v3.0a: tweak default samplerate to 12kHz if fast mode used
# slightly increase speed in fast mode

Code: Select all

usage: ./ [OPTION]... input-file [[OPTION]... input-file]...
Generate a cassette image from binary input.

 Output file options:

  -o, --output FILE     output filename
      --cas             write CAS file
      --wav             write WAV file
  -r, --wav-rate RATE   sample rate in Hz for WAV output [9600]

 Data options:

  -B                   following files are raw binary (default)
  -D                   following files are DragonDOS binary
  -C                   following files are CoCo RSDOS binary
      --leader COUNT   leader size before filename block and data
      --no-filename    no filename block required
  -n, --name NAME      name in filename block
  -l, --load ADDR      load address of next file
  -e, --exec ADDR      exec address of next file or to autorun
      --zload ADDR     override automatic load address for dzipped file

  -z, --dzip           dzip following files (adds dunzip to autorun)
      --fast           write following files 33% faster (WAV only)
      --eof-data       EOF block allowed to contain data (non-standard)
      --no-eof         don't emit EOF block for following files

      --no-dzip        don't dzip following files (default)
      --no-fast        following files written at normal speed (default)
      --no-eof-data    EOF block not allowed to contain data (default)
      --eof            do emit EOF block for following files (default)

  -i FILE              specify input file (e.g., if it begins with a "-")

 Autorun specific options:

      --autorun    build a single autorunning program
      --vdg MODE   set VDG mode before next file
      --sam-v V    set SAM VDG mode (0-7, see SAM docs)
      --sam-f F    set SAM display offset to F * 512
      --flasher    manual cursor flasher enabled for next file

Without --autorun, each input file is written with its own filename block.

If --autorun is specified, all files are considered to be part of one
autorunning program.  Data options will apply to the next input file, and
instructions added to the autorun code where appropriate.  The last file
determines the EXEC address (unless specified).  Note: specify --autorun before
any input files.

The --flasher option is for use when the SAM display offset has been changed,
e.g., during a custom loading screen.  The ROM routine will continue to flash
$0400, but this will not be visible, so this adds code to do it manually.

To compress data, the "dzip" tool is required to be in your PATH.

Compressed data can be unzipped "in place", so long as one extra byte is
allowed beyond the end of the original data, so the load address for dzipped
data is calculated as (original load address + original file size + 1 - zipped
file size).  Sometimes that extra byte strays somewhere inconvenient, so this
calculated address can be overridden with the --zload option.  e.g., the extra
byte beyond a text loading screen strays into DOS workspace ($0600), so
"--zload 0x0e00" would ensure the zipped data was loaded beyond it (also,
usefully, the end user then doesn't get to *see* the zipped data).

Simple example:

  ./ -o game.cas -D game.bin

Builds a non-autorunning CAS file from the DragonDOS binary "game.bin".
Load & exec addresses taken from the input binary.

Complex example:

  ./ --autorun -r 22050 -o game.wav --eof-data --dzip --fast \
        -B --load 0x0e00 screen.bin \
        --vdg 8 --sam-v 4 --sam-f 7 \
        -C --flasher game.bin

Builds an autorunning 22kHz WAV file with two parts - a loading screen and the
main game.  Each part is dzipped, and a small amount of space is saved by
combining the last data block with the EOF indicator.  Each part is written
using shorter cycles - 33% faster than usual.

The loading screen data is a raw binary, so the load address is specified.
Once the screen has been loaded (and dunzipped into place), the VDG is put into
alpha/semigraphics mode with CSS 1, the SAM is configured to G3C (these two
combined configure Semigraphics 12 mode), and the SAM display offset set to

The game code is taken from a CoCo RSDOS (DECB) binary which contains load and
exec information.  Extra cursor flashing code is added to the autorunner, as
the display offset is no longer $0400.  As the last input file, its exec
address is used to autorun once loading is complete.
EDIT: Attachment removed.
Posts: 1474
Joined: Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:18 am

Re: Bin2Cas for Windows

Post by zephyr »

Version 3.2 has been released.
# - convert binary data to CAS or WAV with optional autorun

# Copyright (C) 2014 Ciaran Anscomb
# License: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>.
# This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
# There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
# Special exception: Code included in output (such as "dunzip") is not
# considered to be part of this program, so the GPL doesn't apply to the
# results.

# See the output of "bin2cas --help" for detailed usage information, with
# examples.

# v3.1: default timing uses varying pulse widths to account for ROM delays
# --timing option selects between "rom" and "simple" timing
# fast cycle timing better at 9600Hz, so dropped default back
# slightly faster WAV creation by caching runs of samples

# v3.2: don't redirect STDOUT
# new option --lds inserts stack adjustment code into autorun
# license foo, --version

Code: Select all

usage: ./bin2cas [OPTION]... input-file [[OPTION]... input-file]...
Convert binary data to CAS or WAV with optional autorun.

 Output file options:

  -o, --output FILE     output filename (required)
      --cas             write CAS file
      --wav             write WAV file
  -r, --wav-rate RATE   sample rate in Hz for WAV output [9600]
  -t, --timing NAME     select timing spec (rom or simple) [rom]

 Data options:

  -B                   following files are raw binary (default)
  -D                   following files are DragonDOS binary
  -C                   following files are CoCo RSDOS binary
      --leader COUNT   leader size before filename block and data
      --no-filename    no filename block required
  -n, --name NAME      name in filename block
  -l, --load ADDR      load address of next file
  -e, --exec ADDR      exec address of next file or to autorun
      --zload ADDR     override automatic load address for dzipped file

  -z, --dzip           dzip following files (adds dunzip to autorun)
      --fast           write following files 30% faster (WAV only)
      --eof-data       EOF block allowed to contain data (non-standard)
      --no-eof         don't emit EOF block for following files

      --no-dzip        don't dzip following files (default)
      --no-fast        following files written at normal speed (default)
      --no-eof-data    EOF block not allowed to contain data (default)
      --eof            do emit EOF block for following files (default)

  -i FILE              specify input file (e.g., if it begins with a "-")

 Autorun specific options:

      --autorun    build a single autorunning program
      --vdg MODE   set VDG mode before next file
      --sam-v V    set SAM VDG mode (0-7, see SAM docs)
      --sam-f F    set SAM display offset to F * 512
      --lds S      set the stack pointer
      --flasher    manual cursor flasher enabled for next file

 Other options:

      --help       show this help
      --version    show program version

The default sample rate for WAV output is 9600Hz, and this has been shown to
survive speed variations well when loading on real hardware while keeping file
size to a minimum.  However, if you are going to write the output to tape, it
is highly recommended that you specify a higher rate, e.g., with "-r 48000".

Without --autorun, each input file is written with its own filename block.

If --autorun is specified, all files are considered to be part of one
autorunning program.  Data options will apply to the next input file, and
instructions added to the autorun code where appropriate.  The last file
determines the EXEC address (unless specified).  Note: specify --autorun before
any input files.

The --flasher option is for use when the SAM display offset has been changed,
e.g., during a custom loading screen.  The ROM routine will continue to flash
$0400, but this will not be visible, so this adds code to do it manually.

Normally the stack pointer is left at the top of BASIC.  Use the --lds option
to adjust it at any point.

To compress data, the "dzip" tool is required to be in your PATH.

Compressed data can be unzipped "in place", so long as one extra byte is
allowed beyond the end of the original data, so the load address for dzipped
data is calculated as (original load address + original file size + 1 - zipped
file size).  Sometimes that extra byte strays somewhere inconvenient, so this
calculated address can be overridden with the --zload option.  e.g., the extra
byte beyond a text loading screen encroaches into DOS workspace ($0600), so
"--zload 0x0e00" would ensure the zipped data was loaded beyond it (also,
usefully, the end user then doesn't get to *see* the zipped data loading).

The default timing spec ("rom") accounts for the slight variations of delay in
the Dragon ROM before it starts to count a pulse width.  The "simple" timing
spec is closer to the output of CSAVE.

Simple example:

  ./ -o game.cas -D game.bin

Builds a non-autorunning CAS file from the DragonDOS binary "game.bin".
Load & exec addresses taken from the input binary.

Complex example:

  ./ --autorun -r 22050 -o game.wav --eof-data --dzip --fast \
        -B --load 0x0e00 screen.bin \
        --vdg 8 --sam-v 4 --sam-f 7 \
        -C --flasher game.bin

Builds an autorunning 22kHz WAV file with two parts - a loading screen and the
main game.  Each part is dzipped, and a small amount of space is saved by
combining the last data block with the EOF indicator.  Each part is written
using shorter cycles - just over 30% faster than usual.

The loading screen data is a raw binary, so the load address is specified.
Once the screen has been loaded (and dunzipped into place), the VDG is put into
alpha/semigraphics mode with CSS 1, the SAM is configured to G3C (these two
combined configure Semigraphics 12 mode), and the SAM display offset set to

The game code is taken from a CoCo RSDOS (DECB) binary which contains load and
exec information.  Extra cursor flashing code is added to the autorunner, as
the display offset is no longer $0400.  As the last input file, its exec
address is used to autorun once loading is complete.
(1.01 MiB) Downloaded 288 times
Posts: 1474
Joined: Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:18 am

Re: Bin2Cas for Windows

Post by zephyr »

Version 3.3 has been released.
# - convert binary data to CAS or WAV with optional autorun

# Copyright (C) 2014 Ciaran Anscomb
# License: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>.
# This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
# There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
# Special exception: Code included in output (such as "dunzip") is not
# considered to be part of this program, so the GPL doesn't apply to the
# results.

# See the output of "bin2cas --help" for detailed usage information, with
# examples.

# v3.1: default timing uses varying pulse widths to account for ROM delays
# --timing option selects between "rom" and "simple" timing
# fast cycle timing better at 9600Hz, so dropped default back
# slightly faster WAV creation by caching runs of samples

# v3.2: don't redirect STDOUT
# new option --lds inserts stack adjustment code into autorun
# license foo, --version

# v3.3: actually drop default to 9600Hz
# dzip using temp files under windows

Code: Select all

usage: ./bin2cas [OPTION]... input-file [[OPTION]... input-file]...
Convert binary data to CAS or WAV with optional autorun.

 Output file options:

  -o, --output FILE     output filename (required)
      --cas             write CAS file
      --wav             write WAV file
  -r, --wav-rate RATE   sample rate in Hz for WAV output [9600]
  -t, --timing NAME     select timing spec (rom or simple) [rom]

 Data options:

  -B                   following files are raw binary (default)
  -D                   following files are DragonDOS binary
  -C                   following files are CoCo RSDOS binary
      --leader COUNT   leader size before filename block and data
      --no-filename    no filename block required
  -n, --name NAME      name in filename block
  -l, --load ADDR      load address of next file
  -e, --exec ADDR      exec address of next file or to autorun
      --zload ADDR     override automatic load address for dzipped file

  -z, --dzip           dzip following files (adds dunzip to autorun)
      --fast           write following files 30% faster (WAV only)
      --eof-data       EOF block allowed to contain data (non-standard)
      --no-eof         don't emit EOF block for following files

      --no-dzip        don't dzip following files (default)
      --no-fast        following files written at normal speed (default)
      --no-eof-data    EOF block not allowed to contain data (default)
      --eof            do emit EOF block for following files (default)

  -i FILE              specify input file (e.g., if it begins with a "-")

 Autorun specific options:

      --autorun    build a single autorunning program
      --vdg MODE   set VDG mode before next file
      --sam-v V    set SAM VDG mode (0-7, see SAM docs)
      --sam-f F    set SAM display offset to F * 512
      --lds S      set the stack pointer
      --flasher    manual cursor flasher enabled for next file

 Other options:

      --help       show this help
      --version    show program version

The default sample rate for WAV output is 9600Hz, and this has been shown to
survive speed variations well when loading on real hardware while keeping file
size to a minimum.  However, if you are going to write the output to tape, it
is highly recommended that you specify a higher rate, e.g., with "-r 48000".

Without --autorun, each input file is written with its own filename block.

If --autorun is specified, all files are considered to be part of one
autorunning program.  Data options will apply to the next input file, and
instructions added to the autorun code where appropriate.  The last file
determines the EXEC address (unless specified).  Note: specify --autorun before
any input files.

The --flasher option is for use when the SAM display offset has been changed,
e.g., during a custom loading screen.  The ROM routine will continue to flash
$0400, but this will not be visible, so this adds code to do it manually.

Normally the stack pointer is left at the top of BASIC.  Use the --lds option
to adjust it at any point.

To compress data, the "dzip" tool is required to be in your PATH.

Compressed data can be unzipped "in place", so long as one extra byte is
allowed beyond the end of the original data, so the load address for dzipped
data is calculated as (original load address + original file size + 1 - zipped
file size).  Sometimes that extra byte strays somewhere inconvenient, so this
calculated address can be overridden with the --zload option.  e.g., the extra
byte beyond a text loading screen encroaches into DOS workspace ($0600), so
"--zload 0x0e00" would ensure the zipped data was loaded beyond it (also,
usefully, the end user then doesn't get to *see* the zipped data loading).

The default timing spec ("rom") accounts for the slight variations of delay in
the Dragon ROM before it starts to count a pulse width.  The "simple" timing
spec is closer to the output of CSAVE.

Simple example:

  ./ -o game.cas -D game.bin

Builds a non-autorunning CAS file from the DragonDOS binary "game.bin".
Load & exec addresses taken from the input binary.

Complex example:

  ./ --autorun -r 22050 -o game.wav --eof-data --dzip --fast \
        -B --load 0x0e00 screen.bin \
        --vdg 8 --sam-v 4 --sam-f 7 \
        -C --flasher game.bin

Builds an autorunning 22kHz WAV file with two parts - a loading screen and the
main game.  Each part is dzipped, and a small amount of space is saved by
combining the last data block with the EOF indicator.  Each part is written
using shorter cycles - just over 30% faster than usual.

The loading screen data is a raw binary, so the load address is specified.
Once the screen has been loaded (and dunzipped into place), the VDG is put into
alpha/semigraphics mode with CSS 1, the SAM is configured to G3C (these two
combined configure Semigraphics 12 mode), and the SAM display offset set to

The game code is taken from a CoCo RSDOS (DECB) binary which contains load and
exec information.  Extra cursor flashing code is added to the autorunner, as
the display offset is no longer $0400.  As the last input file, its exec
address is used to autorun once loading is complete.
(1.13 MiB) Downloaded 314 times
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