Flagon Bird

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Re: Flagon Bird

Post by Bosco »

Cool, useful to know.

My primary interest is supporting the Dragon of course but if I can keep it CoCo friendly, it's a definite plus.

Another improvement for v1.1. :D
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Re: Flagon Bird

Post by zephyr »

@Bosco: I have updated the reset code.
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Re: Flagon Bird

Post by Bosco »

Cheers. Thanks for the heads-up. :)
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Re: Flagon Bird

Post by Bosco »

Looks like Flagon Bird has attracted interest from the Acorn community.

http://www.retrosoftware.co.uk/forum/vi ... f=19&t=910
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Re: Flagon Bird

Post by robcfg »


Your nice work is expanding beyond the Dragon, hehe :mrgreen:
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Re: Flagon Bird

Post by sorchard »

Sweet! You've gone viral :D

Also an opportunity for some friendly 6502/6809 rivalry :twisted:
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Re: Flagon Bird

Post by Bosco »

I suppose I should wrap-up FB v1.1. before this guy beats me to it (damn this sunny weather). :D

Then I look forward to starting something new!
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Re: Flagon Bird

Post by robcfg »

Here is a list of Flappy Bird versions for several retro machines, hehe!
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Re: Flagon Bird

Post by Bosco »

Another list here with a few more on.


I think Flappy Bird 2 is coming out this month? Might mean some magazine coverage of all these clones?
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Re: Flagon Bird

Post by Bosco »

Small update for Flagon Bird (v1.1).

Sixxie very kindly added a loading screen and some auto-run code. I've also added zephyr's code for ensuring the IRQ is enabled etc and changed the origin address to $1E00 for 16k CoCo compatibility.

I've done a bit of optimisation, (both memory and performance), and added masking to the lower pipes. There's now limited sound and I've made the score tally a bit fancier. Lastly I've capped the top score at 64 as this was my highest during testing. There's still a lot I could do but I'm putting it on the back-burner for a while so I can hopefully start something new (plus there's only so much Flappy Bird a man can take LOL!).

I've uploaded a new video to YouTube but as per usual the resulting framerate makes the scrolling look jerky. :cry:

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