Compusense. Dasm/Demon

Looking for a Dragon or CoCo game not already in the archive - Then request it here and hopefully it will either be uploaded to the archive or another member can upload it to this forum.
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Compusense. Dasm/Demon

Post by zephyr »

I'm looking for an original ROM dump from Compusense's Dasm/Demon assembler/monitor cartridge.
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Re: Compusense. Dasm/Demon

Post by Alastair »

How do you create a cartridge ROM dump? Is it a case of CSAVEM "DASMROM", x, y, 0 and if so what are the values of x and y?
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Re: Compusense. Dasm/Demon

Post by zephyr »

Yes, that's correct.

The required syntax for saving a 8K ($C000 to $DFFF) cartridge is CSAVEM"DASMDEM",49152,57343,35725
The required syntax for saving a 16K ($C000 to $FEFF) cartridge is CSAVEM"DASMDEM",49152,65279,35725

Please save to cassette as a 16K cart (or 8K cart if you know for sure its only 8K), convert to.CAS file, and attach the .CAS file to your reply. I can convert the .CAS file to .ROM format myself.

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Re: Compusense. Dasm/Demon

Post by Alastair »

This may take a while, I am having a bit of difficulty creating a CAS file.
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Re: Compusense. Dasm/Demon

Post by Alastair »

I have managed to create a CAS file, but I am unable to test it properly so it may not be perfect. If you can create a ROM from it, you can test DEMON by typing EXEC &HC000.
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Re: Compusense. Dasm/Demon

Post by zephyr »

Thank you for taking the time to perform this task. 8-) The following BASIC program returns a checksum of 829736 under T3 and XROAR emulation. Is this checksum correct?

Code: Select all

10 CSUM = 0
20 FOR I = 49152 TO 57343:CSUM = CSUM+PEEK(I):NEXT
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Re: Compusense. Dasm/Demon

Post by Alastair »

You mean I have to retrieve my Dragon and DASM/DEMON cartridge after I've put them away earlier today ;) and type in the above?
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Re: Compusense. Dasm/Demon

Post by zephyr »

If you are happy to do so. :)
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Re: Compusense. Dasm/Demon

Post by Alastair »

That's the checksum I get, so I'm now off to scan the manuals.
Posts: 1474
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Re: Compusense. Dasm/Demon

Post by zephyr »

Thanks Alastair! :) I have posted the cartridge .rom file in the Uploads forum.
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