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Dragon Floppy Disk drive to be fixed

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 12:17 pm
by unumlapis
So, got hold of a Dragon Floppy Disk drive and as expected it didn't work and when quickly checking the power unit the 5V works but there is no 12V; so PSU needs to be fixed. But, before taking done the PSU in pieces I want to check if there are any hints and as well other things worth looking into be fixed while having the drive open.

Also, it's clear that someone have been inside the drive before since one can see that there has been done some kind of soldering on the PSU-board and as well the earth cable was pinched when it was reassembled.
Dragon_Floppy_Drive_Single_Unit.jpg (217.23 KiB) Viewed 10199 times
And here is an image of the power supply board as well:
Dragon_Floppy_Drive_PSU-board.jpg (178.16 KiB) Viewed 10191 times