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Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:54 pm
by GroovyBee
Where do I find out about the latest Dragon homebrews? Does anybody have links to interesting hardware/software homebrew projects?

On the subject of homebrews, how are they normally distributed? On disk, tape or cartridge? If its cartridges how do you go about getting them for recycling? A search of doesn't show many Dragon cartridges up in the last couple of weeks.

What PC based tools are available for generating Dragon compatible binaries? Are there any recommended 6809 assembler tools for developers to use? Any "C" compilers for that matter?

Re: Homebrew?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 11:10 pm
by rolfmichelsen
GroovyBee wrote:If its cartridges how do you go about getting them for recycling? A search of doesn't show many Dragon cartridges up in the last couple of weeks.
Dragon ROM cartridges are pretty simple things. The ones that I have seen just contains a standard 2764 8k EPROM and some address decoding logic, usually a single standard TTL IC. 2764 EPROMs are still available from good suppliers of electronic components. No need to resort to eBay for these yet...

-- Rolf

Re: Homebrew?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 11:38 pm
by GroovyBee
rolfmichelsen wrote:Dragon ROM cartridges are pretty simple things. The ones that I have seen just contains a standard 2764 8k EPROM and some address decoding logic, usually a single standard TTL IC. 2764 EPROMs are still available from good suppliers of electronic components. No need to resort to eBay for these yet...
I was mainly interested in the availability of the plastic shells. Not everybody would be happy plugging in a cartridge PCB for fear of killing it with static due to incorrect handling. I agree that the EPROM on the PCB can be programmed and replaced with whatever game/application is required.