Starship Chameleon

From The Dragon Archive
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Starship Chameleon
Developer Ken Kalish
Company Computerware (US)
Publisher Dragon Data Ltd,Microdeal
Release 1982
Platform Dragon 32 Dragon 64
Genre Arcade
Gamemode 1P or 2P
Operation Icon joystick 1.png Icon joystick 2.png
Media Icon Cartridge.png Icon Cassette.png
Language Flag en 18px.gif

You are the Starship Chameleon commissioned to protect your planet by intercepting the falling bombs launched by the enemy Gabolators from above. Beware, this is a dangerous mission! There are five types of bombs:

Bombs (blue) worth 200 points if destroyed or -100 points if they hit.
Super-bombs (blue) worth 1000 points if destroyed or -1000 points if they hit.
Anti-Matter Bombs (yellow) worth 200 points if destroyed or -100 points if they hit.
Anti-Matter Super Bombs (yellow) worth 1000 points if destroyed or -1000 points if they hit.
Semi-Intelligent Aerial Mines (red) No score, but these are programmed to pursue and destroy your ship.

Super-Bombs can be identified by a hole in their centre.

Bombs are destroyed by running the Starship into them. However, this is only effective if the Starship and the bomb are in the same state, i.e. matter (blue) or anti-matter (yellow). To switch the state of your Starship, press the fire button on the joystick. No matter what colour you are, red mines can destroy you. You begin the game with three Starships and you lose one every time you are destroyed. You are rewarded with an extra ship every 10,000 points.


TitleGameplayMicrodeal Title Screen


  • Dragon Data (Cartridge)

Dragon-data-starship-chameleon-new-style-box.jpgDragon-data-starship-chameleon-old-style-box.jpgDragon-data-starship-chameleon-old-style-manual-01.jpgGame cartridge and manual
StarshipChameleon DragonData Manual01.jpgStarshipChameleon DragonData Manual02.jpgStarshipChameleon DragonData Manual03.jpgStarshipChameleon DragonData Manual04.jpg

  • Microdeal

StarshipChameleon Microdeal Tape.jpg
