Internal error when trying to log out of the wiki

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Internal error when trying to log out of the wiki

Post by Alastair »

After editing a wiki page I have repeatedly tried to log out, but with no success. I keep getting the following error:

Internal error
[hex num] date & time Fatal exception of type MWException

where hex num is a hexadecimal number which changes every time I try to log out
and date & time is the date and time of the log out attempt
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Re: Internal error when trying to log out of the wiki

Post by robcfg »

It works as intended on my phone.

Try to delete the Archive’s cookies just in case.
Posts: 675
Joined: Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:33 pm

Re: Internal error when trying to log out of the wiki

Post by Alastair »

I've deleted the cookies, cleared the cache, and disabled both NoScript and uBlock Origin, and all to no avail. I'm still getting the same error when I try to log out of the Archive's wiki. At present the only way I can log out is by closing the browser.

I can see from the logs that my previous contribution was on Christmas Day last year. I cannot recall if I ever logged in between then and yesterday, but yesterday was the first time that I had logging out problems and I am using the same browser (SeaMonkey) as last year. So if my browser hasn't changed in that time what can it be but a site update issue?
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