Sexy Marilyn in glorious 3D !

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Sexy Marilyn in glorious 3D !

Post by snarkhunter »

Well... almost! (it's only 2D actually, but it sure is sexy !)

Please don't expect much here! It's only a conversion from a "poster" that was hanging from a wall in the school's computer room, back in 1984-1985. That was done from a fair number of lines containg either "X" or blanks.

Later on, I decided to convert it to Dragon graphics, which was painstakingly - and manually - achieved from a printed copy of the original document !

But it isn't nearly as good as the original (er... document) since the height/width ratio is improper - definitely. It would have looked much better with all lines duplicated and the resulting picture managed as a dual-screen display.

Well... anyway! Thought some might still enjoy this...

Attached are:
MARYLIN_B.CAS : has the basic program that draws, then displays, the picture (PMODE4 used). The text screen is still in French, but only asks whether or not your Dragon may cope with the speed-up poke (type "O" for Yes, "N" for No)
MARYLIN_P.CAS : picture file, DragonDOS format (1536, 7679, 0)

MARYLIN.png : actual output snapshot

... And PLEASE note that I'm by no means responsible for the original "artwork" !
MARYLIN.png (3.68 KiB) Viewed 1447 times
"MARYLIN" (binary picture file)
(6.67 KiB) Downloaded 221 times
"MARYLIN" (basic program)
(12.01 KiB) Downloaded 182 times
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