FOGGY converted from ZX-Spectrum to 6809

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FOGGY converted from ZX-Spectrum to 6809

Post by pser1 »

after the last bug corrections and feature additions to the AGD engine with the help of Kees van Oss, I think it is about time to begin releasing
games that were created with the AGD program for the ZX-Spectrum.

The last addition has been support for the 6309. No specialized code but in case the program detects the presence of that CPU it will enter
emulation mode so the overall speed/smoothness will be better.

The first game in that collection is FOGGY, the game I chose to begin the port of the engine. From time to time I have uploaded beta-versions
to get users feedback. This one is the "final" realease ...
The game was developped by John Blythe in 2017. He recently created an intro screen for our 6847 machines in PMode3 (included in the disk)

The game should work on any Dragon-Tano-CoCo-1-2-3 with 64K RAM (mandatory)
Dragon users have two ways to start program
- RUN"SETAGD" in case you are using a std DOS (8K bytes max)
- RUN"SET8K" if you are using CoCo-SDC with my DosPlus5.0 extended
or any other DOS that goes beyond the 8K boundary (far than $E000)

CoCo users just will need

When you lose all the lives or win the game, the program will wait for a key. Pressing BREAK will return to the Basic interpreter setting
emulation mode. Any other key will allow you to play again from the beginning.

The game comes in two versions:
- the std Black and White as a stright conversion from the ZX-Spectrum
- a PMode3 version thanks to the work of José Luis Tur (Retrowiki spanish group)

The program will ask you the mode you would want to play with An Intro screen will appear and will stay there until you press a key
Next step will be the control menu/credits where you could choose between keyboard (QAOP space,Z,I) or LEFT Joystick.

From that point on, it is all up to you!

Ps In case you have a 6309 and exit the game pressing Reset, there are chances that the CPU will still be in native mode but without Basic
and DOS patched, so commands like DIR, LOAD, SOUND, PLAY will hang. Not in my D64/Tano but one never knows ...
If you don't want to power-cycle the computer, you can enter this code:
This will switch it back to emulation mode

These are the virtual files with both versions of the game
EDIT - Just renamed the files to standardize them
Foggy's Quest (2018)(Pere Serrat)[!].DSK
(157.5 KiB) Downloaded 424 times
Foggy's Quest (2018)(Pere Serrat)[!].VDK
(180.25 KiB) Downloaded 383 times
I include here some screenshots from both colour versions
FOGBW01.jpg (45.45 KiB) Viewed 5567 times
FOGBW02.jpg (36.79 KiB) Viewed 5567 times
FOGBW03.jpg (53.49 KiB) Viewed 5567 times
FOGCO01.jpg (51.71 KiB) Viewed 5567 times
FOGCO02.jpg (63.5 KiB) Viewed 5567 times
FOGCO03.jpg (55.31 KiB) Viewed 5567 times
FOGCO04.jpg (52.67 KiB) Viewed 5567 times
Last edited by pser1 on Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FOGGY converted from ZX-Spectrum to 6809

Post by Sarah »

Really nice work - well done!
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Re: FOGGY converted from ZX-Spectrum to 6809

Post by snarkhunter »

A nice job, for sure! But I still prefer the PMode4 display, that is much easier to "read". There are not so many games that look great under PMode3 ("Lunar Rover Patrol" being a notable exception).
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Re: FOGGY converted from ZX-Spectrum to 6809

Post by pser1 »

snarkhunter wrote:A nice job, for sure! But I still prefer the PMode4 display, that is much easier to "read". There are not so many games that look great under PMode3 ("Lunar Rover Patrol" being a notable exception).
Thanks to all of you for your kind words!
Yes, I think PMode4 with its double horizontal definition helps a lot in the movement, but I must admit that the work done by José Luis Tur in
creating the tiles, objects and sprites for PMode3 is great and the game still quite playable too!
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Re: FOGGY converted from ZX-Spectrum to 6809

Post by pser1 »

snarkhunter wrote:A nice job, for sure! But I still prefer the PMode4 display, that is much easier to "read". There are not so many games that look great under PMode3 ("Lunar Rover Patrol" being a notable exception).
I forgot to say that Chuckie Egg is another good game with PMode3 and might I say The Dark Pit too. I am sorry not to remmeber more games
but for sure there are some that look great too!
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