BBC News Wales article

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BBC News Wales article

Post by sixxie »

Not quite how I remember the conversation - I tried to play up the BASIC, CPU and get them to link to new developments like SO/SJ's excellent loader (and this forum!) - but I guess this was the story they wanted to write.

All publicity is etc.
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Re: BBC News Wales article

Post by sorchard »

It would also have been great to see Flagon Bird mentioned as a solid link to the present but it is very cool indeed to see this story on the beeb news.

Good work! :D

I wonder how many clicks would be required to get the story into the top 10...
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Re: BBC News Wales article

Post by Bosco »

Still a good article.

Well done Ciaran. :D
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Re: BBC News Wales article

Post by Alastair »

Fame at last Ciaran! Though it's a pity that the article doesn't mention your work in creating XRoar.
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Re: BBC News Wales article

Post by tormod »

Cool to see the Dragon in the "news" again :)
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Re: BBC News Wales article

Post by fridgemagnet »

this may not mean much to those outside the UK but this made me smile the other day... ... 2988630017
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