Small assembler test programms...

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Small assembler test programms...

Post by jedie »

For the 6809 emulator in Python i need some small test programs... I hope that helps debugging ;)

I have successfully adapt the crc16 assembler program with: ... 42bee55f1b

It works and the crc16 was calculated successfully :D

Next i will try to adapt crc32: ... /crc32.asm

I have take a look on the "6809 32/16 divison" program: ... uslash.asm
But i need help here.

The current listing:

Code: Select all

0100                          .ORG   $100
0100                          ; sample parameters on stack ...
0100   CC 00 00               LDD   #$0000   ; dividend low word
0103   36 06                  PSHU   d
0105   CC 58 00               LDD   #$5800   ; dividend high word
0108   36 06                  PSHU   d
010A   CC 30 00               LDD   #$3000   ; divisor
010D   36 06                  PSHU   d
010F   EC 42        USLASH:   LDD   2,u
0111   AE 44                  LDX   4,u
0113   AF 42                  STX   2,u
0115   ED 44                  STD   4,u
0117   68 43                  ASL   3,u   ; initial shift of L word
0119   69 42                  ROL   2,u
011B   8E 00 10               LDX   #$10
011E   69 45        USL1:     ROL   5,u   ; shift H word
0120   69 44                  ROL   4,u
0122   EC 44                  LDD   4,u
0124   A3 C4                  SUBD   ,u   ; does divisor fit?
0126   1C FE                  ANDCC   #$FE   ; clc - clear carry flag
0128   2B 04                  BMI   USL2
012A   ED 44                  STD   4,u   ; fits -> quotient = 1
012C   1A 01                  ORCC   #$01   ; sec - Set Carry flag
012E   69 43        USL2:     ROL   3,u   ; L word/quotient
0130   69 42                  ROL   2,u
0132   30 1F                  LEAX   -1,x
0134   26 E8                  BNE   USL1
0136   33 42                  LEAU   2,u
0138   AE C4                  LDX   ,u   ; quotient
013A   EC 42                  LDD   2,u   ; remainder
It looks like that the input is D via user stack. In this example code: 0x000058000 / 0x3000 isn't it?

But where is the result in the end?
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Re: Small assembler test programms...

Post by JeeK »

jedie wrote:For the 6809 emulator in Python i need some small test programs... I hope that helps debugging ;)
I have take a look on the "6809 32/16 divison" program: ... uslash.asm
But i need help here.

The current listing:

Code: Select all

0100                          .ORG   $100
0100                          ; sample parameters on stack ...
0100   CC 00 00               LDD   #$0000   ; dividend low word
0103   36 06                  PSHU   d
0105   CC 58 00               LDD   #$5800   ; dividend high word
0108   36 06                  PSHU   d
010A   CC 30 00               LDD   #$3000   ; divisor
010D   36 06                  PSHU   d
0136   33 42                  LEAU   2,u
0138   AE C4                  LDX   ,u   ; quotient
013A   EC 42                  LDD   2,u   ; remainder
It looks like that the input is D via user stack. In this example code: 0x000058000 / 0x3000 isn't it?

But where is the result in the end?
No, 0x580000000 / 0x3000. I used these values to provoke an overflow situation.

On entry D is just used to push arguments on the forth parameter stack to keep the basic routine unchanged as it will be used in Talbot System Forth.
At 0136 one from the three word on the parameter stack is thrown away, only one word (16 bit) for the quotient and (16 bit for the remainder) will kept. The result in Forth context is left on the parameter stack. I finally loaded values into the registers just to see it better in the trace output ...

This implementation does not care about overflows. With the values above you just get garbage.
It was just for analyzing purposes to compare and improve the USLASH in ef09.asm, which is faster and handles overflow too. (note: parameter stack is register S) ;)
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Re: Small assembler test programms...

Post by JeeK »

jedie wrote:For the 6809 emulator in Python i need some small test programs... I hope that helps debugging ;)
It looks like that the input is D via user stack. In this example code: 0x000058000 / 0x3000 isn't it?

But where is the result in the end?
Swap lines at 100 and 105 and the division is as you suggested above. Then, X should 1 (quotient) and D 2800 (the remainder). ;)
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Re: Small assembler test programms...

Post by jedie »

Thx, for the info... I will try to use it...
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Re: Small assembler test programms...

Post by jedie »

OK, division test code runs. See commit: ... 2f9972d62f

But some tests failed:

These all are ok:

Code: Select all

        test(10, 5) # is: 10/5
        test(10, 3)
        test(1000, 2000)
        test(0xffff, 0x80)
        test(0xfffff, 0x800)
        test(0xffffff, 0x8000)
        test(0xfffffff, 0x8000)
        test(1, 0x8000)
These failed:

Code: Select all

        test(1, 0x8001) # Error: '1/32769=65534 remainder: 3' != '1/32769=0 remainder: 1'
        test(1, 0x9000) # Error: '10/65535=65533 remainder: 7' != '10/65535=0 remainder: 10'
        test(10, 0xffff) # Error: '10/65535=65533 remainder: 7' != '10/65535=0 remainder: 10'
        test(0xfffffff, 0xffff) # Error: '268435455/65535=57342 remainder: 57341' != '268435455/65535=4096 remainder: 4095'
Don't know if it simply out of range from the division code... Or a problem in my 6809 implementation?!?
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Re: Small assembler test programms...

Post by JeeK »

jedie wrote:OK, division test code runs. See commit: ... 2f9972d62f

But some tests failed:

These all are ok:

Code: Select all

        test(10, 5) # is: 10/5
        test(10, 3)
        test(1000, 2000)
        test(0xffff, 0x80)
        test(0xfffff, 0x800)
        test(0xffffff, 0x8000)
        test(0xfffffff, 0x8000)
        test(1, 0x8000)
These failed:

Code: Select all

        test(1, 0x8001) # Error: '1/32769=65534 remainder: 3' != '1/32769=0 remainder: 1'
        test(1, 0x9000) # Error: '10/65535=65533 remainder: 7' != '10/65535=0 remainder: 10'
        test(10, 0xffff) # Error: '10/65535=65533 remainder: 7' != '10/65535=0 remainder: 10'
        test(0xfffffff, 0xffff) # Error: '268435455/65535=57342 remainder: 57341' != '268435455/65535=4096 remainder: 4095'
Don't know if it simply out of range from the division code... Or a problem in my 6809 implementation?!?
These are all underflows which are not correct handled by UMMOD, especially in the Talbot System variant.
Even my implementation in ef09 does not handle this cases correctly.
Please be patient, I will push a new version of uslash.asm soon, which will contain both variants and
with my variant handling above underflows correctly (hopefully). ;)

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Re: Small assembler test programms...

Post by jedie »

JeeK wrote:Please be patient, I will push a new version of uslash.asm soon, which will contain both variants and
with my variant handling above underflows correctly (hopefully). ;)
I'm curious ;)

One question to crc32:

The current implementation:

Code: Select all

; ZIP polynomic, reflected (bit reversed) from $04C11DB7
	eora #CRCLH	; apply CRC polynomic low word
	eorb #CRCLL
	exg d,x
	eora #CRCHH	; apply CRC polynomic high word
	eorb #CRCHL
So is doesn't use the "normal" polynomic $04C11DB7
How must this code looks like, if $04C11DB7 is used?

Code: Select all

; ZIP polynomic, reflected (bit reversed) from $04C11DB7
	eora #CRCLH	; apply CRC polynomic low word
	eorb #CRCLL
	exg d,x
	eora #CRCHH	; apply CRC polynomic high word
	eorb #CRCHL
is this right?

EDIT: This question is no longer important! :P
Last edited by jedie on Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Small assembler test programms...

Post by jedie »

OK, the crc32 test works now with commit ... d2ded38abf :D

These Tests run fine:

Code: Select all

Test String: 'F'
	python..: $4dbd0b28
	crc32...: $4dbd0b28

Test String: 'DragonPy test!'
	python..: $570e3666
	crc32...: $570e3666

Test String: 'DragonPy Integration testing...'
	python..: $728b1186
	crc32...: $728b1186

Test String: 'An Arbitrary String'
	python..: $6fbeaae7
	crc32...: $6fbeaae7

Test String: 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789'
	python..: $749f0b1a
	crc32...: $749f0b1a
But this failed:

Code: Select all

	python..: $99cdfdb2
	crc32...: $-6632024e
Any idea why?

EDIT: failed test is fixed: I have to used binascii.crc32(txt) & 0xffffffff (add & 0xffffffff) -> ... db27776a2a
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Re: Small assembler test programms...

Post by jedie »

I have include the new division assembler code from info DragonPy with commit: ... 16e6d19d7a

Also some tests are ok and some fails:

These are fine:

Code: Select all

test(10, 10) # OK: 10/10=1 remainder: 0
test(10, 5) # OK: 10/5=2 remainder: 0
test(10, 3) # OK: 10/3=3 remainder: 1
test(0xffff, 0x80) # OK: 65535/128=511 remainder: 127
test(0xffff, 0xff) # OK: 65535/255=257 remainder: 0
test(0xfffff, 0x800) # OK: 1048575/2048=511 remainder: 2047
test(0xffffff, 0x8000) # OK: 16777215/32768=511 remainder: 32767
test(0xfffffff, 0x8000) # OK: 268435455/32768=8191 remainder: 32767
test(0xfffffff, 0xffff) # OK: 268435455/65535=4096 remainder: 4095
But this fails:

Code: Select all

test(1, 0x8000) # ERROR: '1/32768=0 remainder: 0' should be: '1/32768=0 remainder: 1'
test(1, 0x8001) # ERROR: '1/32769=0 remainder: 0' should be: '1/32769=0 remainder: 1'
test(1, 0x9000) # ERROR: '1/36864=0 remainder: 0' should be: '1/36864=0 remainder: 1'
test(10, 0xffff) # ERROR: '10/65535=0 remainder: 0' should be: '10/65535=0 remainder: 10'
test(0x10000000, 0x10000) # ERROR: '268435456/65536=16 remainder: 65535' should be: '268435456/65536=4096 remainder: 0'
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Re: Small assembler test programms...

Post by JeeK »

jedie wrote:I have include the new division assembler code from info DragonPy with commit: ... 16e6d19d7a
But this fails:

Code: Select all

test(1, 0x8000) # ERROR: '1/32768=0 remainder: 0' should be: '1/32768=0 remainder: 1'
test(1, 0x8001) # ERROR: '1/32769=0 remainder: 0' should be: '1/32769=0 remainder: 1'
test(1, 0x9000) # ERROR: '1/36864=0 remainder: 0' should be: '1/36864=0 remainder: 1'
test(10, 0xffff) # ERROR: '10/65535=0 remainder: 0' should be: '10/65535=0 remainder: 10'
test(0x10000000, 0x10000) # ERROR: '268435456/65536=16 remainder: 65535' should be: '268435456/65536=4096 remainder: 0'
Last line: divisor is only 16 bit, 0x10000 is out of range (0x10000 = 0x0000). This test makes no sense.
The other ones: You are right, there is bug - my "underflow" handling is wrong - there no special handling necessary. Register D contains already the correct value. ;)
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