MSDOS utilities

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MSDOS utilities

Post by sorchard »

I've got a number of old PCs in the loft and have recently been trawling through them trying to find anything of use. In the process I found a couple of MS-DOS utilities that I wrote a long time ago. I've uploaded them just in case someone is able to make use of them. I haven't found the source code yet but will keep looking.

This formats DragonDos disks in an *MSDOS* PC.

This is a partially complete tool for checking the integrity of the (DragonDos) disk structure in a VDK file. Not very useful as it stands but perhaps the source code would be of some interest if I can find it! Incidentally I would only try it out on a copy of the VDK file. I barely remember writing it, let alone what it does :?

Edit: Source code now attached!
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Re: MSDOS utilities

Post by zephyr »

Thanks! :)
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