modified Tandy rom images for use with Dragon multi-cart (1)

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modified Tandy rom images for use with Dragon multi-cart (1)

Post by Rolo »

I'd like to upload a few modified Tandy rom images. Testing the original roms with the multi-cartridge showed a few incompatibilities. I modified those roms and tested them on real hardware. They seem to be working now. Don't kill me, if there might be another crash under certain circumstances. I did not have the time to do too much testing. Just fix the malfunctioning parts of the rom and upload again. Or at least, tell me. Maybe I can do it.
NTSC roms still are black and white on PAL, no cross color, of course.
Still that noise problem because of joysticks and sound using the same hardware components. For some roms I changed the joystick routine and put in an "audio off" pre-call. But still it's not perfect.
Cartridge burners, enjoy :!:

update 18-Oct-2013:
Audio Spectrum Analyzer modDragon.rom
Audio Spectrum Analyzer (updated, file length error)
(2 KiB) Downloaded 450 times
Clowns & Balloons modDragon.rom
Clowns & Balloons
(8 KiB) Downloaded 458 times
Color Backgammon modDragon.rom
Color Backgammon
(4 KiB) Downloaded 442 times
Color Baseball modDragon.rom
Color Baseball
(8 KiB) Downloaded 465 times
Last edited by Rolo on Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: modified Tandy rom images for use with Dragon multi-cart

Post by tormod »

Is there anything in these images that is specific to the multicart?
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Re: modified Tandy rom images for use with Dragon multi-cart

Post by Rolo »

No, there is not. I just modified some calls, like audio-on, outchar, getkey... And, in some cases, I put in "audio-off" prior to jumping to the joystick-read routine. It's all just CoCo to Dragon conversion. The multi-cart exactly behaves like a normal cartridge, well it is nothing else ;)
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