Dragon joysticks

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Dragon joysticks

Post by Rolo »

I've bought a Dragon32 recently. I still can remember, when it appeared in the shops. I considered to get one those days, but in Germany, it was wiped away by the Commodore 64. Well, I made up for it now. :D One of the joysticks was damaged, so I wanted to open it. Hm, where are the screws? Beneath the rubber housing feet? Nope. Somebody must have opened one of these before. I was looking for photos in the internet. Could not find any :?: So, I carefully opened the damaged stick. Yes, the housing was simply glued together, there are no screws. Of course, there's not much in it. Nice, how the put together the mechanics with the potentiometers. I attached some photos, for anybody who is curious too.
I cleaned and reassembled the device and it's fine again.
CIMG4599.JPG (787.82 KiB) Viewed 1738 times
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CIMG4596.JPG (1.48 MiB) Viewed 1738 times
CIMG4595.JPG (2.06 MiB) Viewed 1738 times
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