DWLOAD / DWEEB github repro...

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Re: DWLOAD / DWEEB github repro...

Post by zephyr »

I agree with Tormod.
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Re: DWLOAD / DWEEB github repro...

Post by pser1 »

hello, jedie

As I told you I am not willing to go github.
I wish to share all of my dweebs with all of the people in worldofDragon, they have helped me a lot of times, so if something I do could be of use for them, I will be soooo glad!
That said, I agree absolutely with Tormod.

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Re: DWLOAD / DWEEB github repro...

Post by jedie »

Am a little sad. But ok, i said i can delete it and the consensus here is to do so...

I have delete the repro... But of course I have a local clone...
tormod wrote:Personally I don't like github that much. Last time I checked they are a proprietary service running on proprietary software, they are "too big to fail", and they will probably be bought up by some bigger company soon who is going to "enhance" it.
I didn't see a problem here.
Yes, GitHub is a commercial service, but it's free for OpenSource projects. Maybe they use proprietary software (I don't know). What's the problem?
And IMHO it's the same with gitorious, sourceforge, launchpad and code.google.com, isn't it?

Actually, GitHub is only a Web-GUI for a git repository. But it's IMHO the best of all providers. Because it's easy to use. At least sourceforge and launchpad is ugly to use. They provide to much services... code.google.com is feature less and not very often used. gitorious, i don't know...

What can happen if GitHub close the doors? At least the main developer has a local clone of the git repository... Everyone can fork it, pull it to some other service like gitorious, sourceforge, launchpad or code.google.com... Or you can mirror it there...

What happen if this forum will crash? If the archive will crash? Have someone a complete, up-to-date copy of all contents? Can everyone made easy a copy of them? What happens if the Wiki crash?
In all these cases, you can try to find the information in services as https://archive.org/ But this is difficult.
tormod wrote:Please note that everything posted on internet is not automatically GPL licensed :) You can take public domain stuff and use it in your own software which you then are free to license as you want. On the other hand it is not good tone to just relicence other people's work without consulting them.
Yes, you are right. The problem here is, that the most posted stuff just has no license :( If it's not explicit marked as public domain, then it's just no license.

It is probably for historical reasons, that nobody marked this uploads. I would suggest: You all should always specify a license and add information into the source file, too.
Yes, e.g. with GPL: It is against the license, if the full GNU GPL licence text is missing. For me it is enough if there is the name of the license in the sourcecode file.

Let's look ahead: Let's collect the needed information for using the DWLOAD stuff -> http://archive.worldofdragon.org/index.php?title=DWLOAD

EDIT: I created http://archive.worldofdragon.org/index. ... Repository with links to all projects.
... too many ideas and too little time ... Related stuff written in Python:
Dragon 32 emulator / PyDC - Python Dragon 32 converter: https://github.com/jedie/DragonPy
DWLOAD server / Dragon-Lib and other stuff: https://github.com/6809
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Re: DWLOAD / DWEEB github repro...

Post by tjewell »

It's a quiet Sunday afternoon - a perfect time to revive another old thread!

I love the Dweebs, but it's hard to find them - I've already started writing one to discover it had been written! - so I'm volunteering myself to set up a master list on the Wiki. To keep things simple, I was going to link directly to the post in the forum that describes how to get the latest version. If the original authors want me to link to versions on their own sites, let me know.

Cheers, Tony
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Re: DWLOAD / DWEEB github repro...

Post by tormod »

Great! I have plans to put mine together in a public repo somewhere and will let you know.
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