north sea oil

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Re: north sea oil

Post by sixxie »

sounds clunky!
Yeah it is a bit, but it has a high success rate (for me, anyway) of tidying up truncated-leader CAS files for loading into real Dragons. Given I had an emulator doing all the loading anyway, patching that to write anything legitimately loaded back out to file seemed a lot easier than writing a dedicated tool.

I'll try and construct a "headless" version soonish, perhaps giving more feedback on standard out...
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Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:16 am

Re: north sea oil

Post by wgoodf »

well in the end i used fixcas to sort the header of the files and it worked a treat.

thanks to all on this one.

all your effort has allowed me to load up FORTH and do my first reverse polish notation addition!

erm.. yeah.. worth it i say!!

thanks again folks

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