Dragon emulator written in Python ???

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Re: Dragon emulator written in Python ???

Post by jedie »

So, i split and refactor many stuff: https://github.com/jedie/DragonPy/compa ... ...4fd0e4b

Now it's callable in this way:
DragonPy$ ./DragonPy_CLI.py --cfg Simple6809Cfg --verbosity=5
DragonPy$ ./DragonPy_CLI.py --cfg Dragon32Cfg --verbosity=5
But there are a few OPs unimplemented for the Simple6809 ROM ;)
... too many ideas and too little time ... Related stuff written in Python:
Dragon 32 emulator / PyDC - Python Dragon 32 converter: https://github.com/jedie/DragonPy
DWLOAD server / Dragon-Lib and other stuff: https://github.com/6809
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Re: Dragon emulator written in Python ???

Post by JeeK »

jedie wrote: [..]
You can see: LDA #-128 and SUBA #1 results in accu A == $7f == signed: 127 == unsigned: 127
Flags set to:
N= 0
Z= 0
V= 1
C= 0

Second one LDA #+127 and ADDA #1 results in accu A == $80 == signed: -128 == unsigned: 128
Flags set to:
N= 1
Z= 0
V= 1
C= 0

Is that right?
Seems right so far.
jedie wrote:
Have you a example for Carry and Half-Carry?
Carry should be easy, every arithmetic operation which lead to value > $FF or shift/rotate operation which moves
bit 0 or 7 in the C flag.

Half-Carry: like the carry for 8 bits of a register, imagine the register is sized to 4 bits only. Transitions from bit 3 (counting from 0) to bit 4 on arithmetic operations are reflected in the half carry flag. I'm not sure about ASL (same opcode is LSL) other shift/rotate ops if they are really effecting the H flag.
Labiak says not effected by LSR/ASR, NEG, SBC, INC..., but on my simulator some of them do effect H (maybe wrongly). Can't prove it on a real 6809 at the moment, Xroar should it do correct too.
At least ADD/ADC is supposed to do so:

Code: Select all

lda #$0e
adda #1			; gives $0F C=0, V=0, N=0, Z=0, H=0!
adda #1			; gives $10 C=0, V=0, N=0, Z=0, H=1
SBC, SUB should effect H also because it does an addition just with a negated operand, but didn't prove it, Labiak says "unpredicted". I doubt that.
The dragon on my side: http://klasek.at/hc/dragon/
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Re: Dragon emulator written in Python ???

Post by sixxie »

JeeK wrote: SBC, SUB should effect H also because it does an addition just with a negated operand, but didn't prove it, Labiak says "unpredicted". I doubt that.
Good point! That's something I either haven't tested or did test but stupidly didn't write down. Doubtless the H output from the ALU will have some predictable value, but it is possible that it doesn't then get latched to the appropriate CC bit for the subtract instructions. That needs a good testing, that does.
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Re: Dragon emulator written in Python ???

Post by jedie »

Sarah wrote:Set mapmode0 and reinstate the mapmode0 ROM.
Ah, now I have found an explanation in the Inside The Dragon book in "Appendix 5 - The Dragon 64 / SWITCHING IN RAM"... But ok, that is still too far away.

Now i would like to implement all for a working Simple6809 setup... If i really accomplished, I'm very glad!
Then I can continue with Dragon 32... And maybe then Dragon 64. But, do not know if that's really realistic.

We have XRoar, a really good emulator. It makes no sense to implement a second XRoar in python.
The sense of the project is more to learn and understand than to have a second XRoar ;)

In the far future i would like to implement a integrated development environment for BASIC programs. Similar to the Rainbow IDE:
A running Emulator instance with beside a simple text editor. The editor content would be synced with the emulated RAM. So you can simply type a BASIC Programm and click on a "run" button to see the results.
Now i do the same with XRoar: Open a text editor, save into .bas and use XRoar "run" menu point.

Maybe i will start with the IDE, if i get Simple6809 to run.
... too many ideas and too little time ... Related stuff written in Python:
Dragon 32 emulator / PyDC - Python Dragon 32 converter: https://github.com/jedie/DragonPy
DWLOAD server / Dragon-Lib and other stuff: https://github.com/6809
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Re: Dragon emulator written in Python ???

Post by jedie »

Next Question:
| 08 0008 | LSL/ASL | DIRECT | 6 | 2 | naaas |
| 24 0036 | BHS/BCC | RELATIVE | 3 | 2 | ----- |
| 25 0037 | BLO/BCS | RELATIVE | 3 | 2 | ----- |
| 48 0072 | LSLA/ASLA | INHERENT | 2 | 1 | naaas |
| 58 0088 | LSLB/ASLB | INHERENT | 2 | 1 | naaas |
| 68 0104 | LSL/ASL | INDEXED | 6 | 2 | naaas |
| 78 0120 | LSL/ASL | EXTENDED | 7 | 3 | naaas |
| 1024 4132 | LBHS/LBCC | RELATIVE | 5(6) | 4 | ----- |
| 1025 4133 | LBLO/LBCS | RELATIVE | 5(6) | 4 | ----- |
Why are theses ops "two ops" ?

LSL = Logical shift left
ASL = Arithmetic shift left

In one description for LSL have i found this:
This is a duplicate assembly-language mnemonic for the single machine instruction ASL.
So i think this is only relevant for a assembler, but not for a disassembler and not for a emulator, isn't it?
... too many ideas and too little time ... Related stuff written in Python:
Dragon 32 emulator / PyDC - Python Dragon 32 converter: https://github.com/jedie/DragonPy
DWLOAD server / Dragon-Lib and other stuff: https://github.com/6809
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Re: Dragon emulator written in Python ???

Post by Sarah »

The mnemonics are duplicated for convenience; if they actually existed as separate opcodes then both instructions in each pair would do exactly the same thing.

For example, if you're shifting left then logical shifts are the same as arithmetic shifts, unlike when you shift right. The branch operations like BHS and BCC can be easier to understand as either "branch higher or same" or "branch C clear" depending upon the context or person, even though they're identical conditions.
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Re: Dragon emulator written in Python ???

Post by jedie »

I've also interpreted.
Thanks for the confirmation.
... too many ideas and too little time ... Related stuff written in Python:
Dragon 32 emulator / PyDC - Python Dragon 32 converter: https://github.com/jedie/DragonPy
DWLOAD server / Dragon-Lib and other stuff: https://github.com/6809
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Re: Dragon emulator written in Python ???

Post by jedie »

Have made a big code change... Because i saw that i mismatch ea/m and byte/word :oops:

Updated "6809 data script" -> https://github.com/jedie/DragonPy/commi ... a7b0cea194

Updated CPU code -> https://github.com/jedie/DragonPy/commi ... 8f6baac6f1
... too many ideas and too little time ... Related stuff written in Python:
Dragon 32 emulator / PyDC - Python Dragon 32 converter: https://github.com/jedie/DragonPy
DWLOAD server / Dragon-Lib and other stuff: https://github.com/6809
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Re: Dragon emulator written in Python ???

Post by jedie »

Simple6809 ROM started to work... RAM Test seems to work:

Code: Select all

$ ./DragonPy_CLI.py --cfg Simple6809Cfg --verbosity=30 --area_debug=5:db80-ffff
logger name: DragonPy

DragonPy - Dragon 32 emulator in Python None

set log level to: 20
Activate area debug: Set debug level to 5 from $db80 to $ffff
Startup CPU with: /usr/bin/python cpu6809.py --bus_socket_host= --bus_socket_port=51355 --cfg Simple6809Cfg --verbosity=30 --area_debug=5:db80-ffff
logger name: DragonPy

DragonPy - Dragon 32 emulator in Python None

set log level to: 20
Activate area debug: Set debug level to 5 from $db80 to $ffff
Connect to internal socket bus I/O ('', 51355)
CPU started
reading outside memory area (PC:$db6c): $7fff
reading outside memory area (PC:$db6f): $7fff
writing outside memory area (PC:$db6f): $7fff
reading outside memory area (PC:$db71): $7fff
Activate area debug at $db80
$db7f 30 LEAX	 register:<X (16-Bit):$7ffd> ea:$7f35    | None
$0021 9F STX	 register:<X (16-Bit):$7f35> ea:$21 m:$0 | None
$db86 1F TFR	 ea:$db86 m:$14                          | None
$db88 8E LDX	 register:<X (16-Bit):$7f35> ea:$db88 m:$dbce | None
$db8b CE LDU	 register:<U (16-Bit):$0000> ea:$db8b m:$76 | None
$db8e C6 LDB	 register:<B (8-Bit):$00> ea:$db8e m:$12 | None
$db8f BD JSR	 ea:$dcae                                | None
$dbcf A6 LDA	 register:<A (8-Bit):$ff> ea:$dbcf m:$40 | None
... too many ideas and too little time ... Related stuff written in Python:
Dragon 32 emulator / PyDC - Python Dragon 32 converter: https://github.com/jedie/DragonPy
DWLOAD server / Dragon-Lib and other stuff: https://github.com/6809
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Re: Dragon emulator written in Python ???

Post by jedie »

xroar -trace is great. I tweak the DragonPy debug output with --verbosity=20 to a similar format.


Code: Select all

fffe| b3b4        [RESET]                     
b3b4| 318ce4      LEAY    -$1c,PCR            cc=50 a=00 b=00 dp=00 x=0000 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
b3b7| 7e8000      JMP     $8000               cc=50 a=00 b=00 dp=00 x=0000 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
8000| 7ebb40      JMP     $bb40               cc=50 a=00 b=00 dp=00 x=0000 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
bb40| cc0034      LDD     #$0034              cc=50 a=00 b=34 dp=00 x=0000 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
bb43| 8eff00      LDX     #$ff00              cc=58 a=00 b=34 dp=00 x=ff00 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
bb46| a701        STA     1,X                 cc=54 a=00 b=34 dp=00 x=ff00 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
bb48| a703        STA     3,X                 cc=54 a=00 b=34 dp=00 x=ff00 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
bb4a| a784        STA     ,X                  cc=54 a=00 b=34 dp=00 x=ff00 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
bb4c| 43          COMA                        cc=59 a=ff b=34 dp=00 x=ff00 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
bb4d| a702        STA     2,X                 cc=59 a=ff b=34 dp=00 x=ff00 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
bb4f| e701        STB     1,X                 cc=51 a=ff b=34 dp=00 x=ff00 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
bb51| e703        STB     3,X                 cc=51 a=ff b=34 dp=00 x=ff00 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
bb53| 8eff20      LDX     #$ff20              cc=59 a=ff b=34 dp=00 x=ff20 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
bb56| 6f01        CLR     1,X                 cc=54 a=ff b=34 dp=00 x=ff20 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
bb58| 6f03        CLR     3,X                 cc=54 a=ff b=34 dp=00 x=ff20 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
bb5a| 4a          DECA                        cc=58 a=fe b=34 dp=00 x=ff20 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000

Code: Select all

$b3b4 31   LEAY    register:Y=0000 ea:$b39b           | cc=50 a=00 b=00 dp=00 x=0000 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
$b3b7 7E   JMP     ea:$8000                           | cc=50 a=00 b=00 dp=00 x=0000 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
$8000 7E   JMP     ea:$bb40                           | cc=50 a=00 b=00 dp=00 x=0000 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
$bb41 CC   LDD     register:D=0000 ea:$bb41 m:$34     | cc=50 a=00 b=34 dp=00 x=0000 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
$bb44 8E   LDX     register:X=0000 ea:$bb44 m:$ff00   | cc=58 a=00 b=34 dp=00 x=ff00 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
$ff01 A7   STA     register:A=00 ea:$ff01 m:$b3       | cc=50 a=00 b=34 dp=00 x=ff00 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
$ff03 A7   STA     register:A=00 ea:$ff03 m:$35       | cc=50 a=00 b=34 dp=00 x=ff00 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
$ff00 A7   STA     register:A=00 ea:$ff00 m:$0        | cc=54 a=00 b=34 dp=00 x=ff00 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
$bb4c 43   COMA    register:A=00                      | cc=59 a=ff b=34 dp=00 x=ff00 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
$ff02 A7   STA     register:A=ff ea:$ff02 m:$0        | cc=51 a=ff b=34 dp=00 x=ff00 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
$ff01 E7   STB     register:B=34 ea:$ff01 m:$b3       | cc=51 a=ff b=34 dp=00 x=ff00 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
$ff03 E7   STB     register:B=34 ea:$ff03 m:$35       | cc=51 a=ff b=34 dp=00 x=ff00 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
$bb54 8E   LDX     register:X=ff00 ea:$bb54 m:$ff20   | cc=59 a=ff b=34 dp=00 x=ff20 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
$ff21 6F   CLR     ea:$ff21 m:$34                     | cc=54 a=ff b=34 dp=00 x=ff20 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
$ff23 6F   CLR     ea:$ff23 m:$37                     | cc=54 a=ff b=34 dp=00 x=ff20 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000
$bb5a 4A   DECA    register:A=ff                      | cc=58 a=fe b=34 dp=00 x=ff20 y=b39b u=0000 s=0000

And we see here, that the CC registers has bugs in DragonPy ;)
... too many ideas and too little time ... Related stuff written in Python:
Dragon 32 emulator / PyDC - Python Dragon 32 converter: https://github.com/jedie/DragonPy
DWLOAD server / Dragon-Lib and other stuff: https://github.com/6809
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