Programming the 6809

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Programming the 6809

Post by rolfmichelsen »

I've just uploaded Programming the 6809 to the archive and updated the wiki with a download link. This is a classic textbook on machine code programming for the 6809 processor, but not specifically for programming the Dragon. In fact, the Dragon is not mentioned at all in this book.

-- Rolf
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Re: Programming the 6809

Post by Alastair »

Thanks Rolf, but as a small favour could you insert a blank page after the front cover? The reason is that at present when you display pages side-by-side you get the odd pages on the left and the even pages on the right, an extra page inserted after the cover will correct this. This also applies to the PDF of "Advanced Sound and Graphics for the Dragon Computer‎".
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Re: Programming the 6809

Post by rolfmichelsen »

I'll fix it, but it will probably not happen before the weekend.

-- Rolf
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Re: Programming the 6809

Post by rolfmichelsen »

I have uploaded new versions of both Programming the 6809 and Advanced Sound and Graphics to better support two-page reading. Enjoy.

-- Rolf
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Re: Programming the 6809

Post by Alastair »

Thanks again for your efforts Rolf but the two PDFs are still displaying with odd pages on the left and even pages on the right. This is because as well as the insertion of a blank page the rear page has, for some reason, moved to become the second page.
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Re: Programming the 6809

Post by rolfmichelsen »

Hmmm... I moved the back cover the page 2 to mimic the way O'Reilly creates their PDF books. In both Adobe Reader and Foxit Reader, both books show correctly in two-page side by side view with odd pages to the left. The first double-page is the front and back cover. What reader are you using?

-- Rolf
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Re: Programming the 6809

Post by Alastair »

rolfmichelsen wrote:Hmmm... I moved the back cover the page 2 to mimic the way O'Reilly creates their PDF books.
I wonder why they do that, it seems an odd thing to do.
rolfmichelsen wrote:In both Adobe Reader and Foxit Reader, both books show correctly in two-page side by side view with odd pages to the left. The first double-page is the front and back cover. What reader are you using?

-- Rolf
I usually use Adobe Reader (currently version 9.5.2), it may have something to do with the menu setting "View" > "Page Display" > "Show Cover Page During Two-Up" being ticked. I have this setting ticked because almost all of the other PDFs that I view show correctly in "two-up" when this option is enabled.
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Re: Programming the 6809

Post by rolfmichelsen »

Thanks. I managed to reproduce the behavior that you're seeing in a fresh install of Acrobat Reader 11. The "Show cover page in two-page view" option is not enabled by default, so I'm reluctant to change the PDFs in the archive. However, when experimenting with this, I made a version of Programming the 6809 that is compatible with your settings. You can download it from this location for a very limited time.

Let me know if you like this version. If you do, I can make a similar version of Advanced Sound and Graphics, too.

-- Rolf
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Re: Programming the 6809

Post by Alastair »

rolfmichelsen wrote:The "Show cover page in two-page view" option is not enabled by default, so I'm reluctant to change the PDFs in the archive.
That's Adobe for you, there was a time when their Reader dealt with two-up page views in a smart manner with cover pages being shown on their own (equivalent to "Show cover page in two-page view" being enabled) when the document contained three or more pages but showing the two pages side-by-side when the document contained just two pages. As Adobe "improved" their Reader they removed this useful feature.

Anyway, I've finished downloading the new version and as far as I'm concerned it is perfect. Thank you for putting up with, and fulfilling, my request.
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