Dragon Development - Using a PC?

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Dragon Development - Using a PC?

Post by daviess »

Anyone doing Dragon assembler development on a PC?

Any pearls of wisdom or setup instructions you might care to share?

Call it a midlife crisis but I quite fancy having a bash at some 6809 assember development but would prefer to use the better keyboard and higher resolution of my PC.

Already have the latest XRoar running on my linux laptop but didn't get on with Dream too well.
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Re: Dragon Development - Using a PC?

Post by prime »

Might be worth checking out the CoCo Toolshed development tools, http://sourceforge.net/projects/toolshed/ this includes an assembler and tools to read and write OS9 and Tandy CoCo disks.

It's what I use for Dragon/CoCo development, under both Windows and Linux.


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Re: Dragon Development - Using a PC?

Post by Rink »

Yep - I gave up on doing it on the Dragon (maybe because I couldn't do it in work and needed something more portable).

I use Programmers Notepad with a custom scheme (pretty easy to create). Since you can set up your own tools menu items, I have: Assemble (using Frank's AS09 assembler), Bin->CAS (convert the assembled output to a CAS file using DrBinCas), and Xroar.

Works well enough for me.
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Re: Dragon Development - Using a PC?

Post by robcfg »

Hey Rink,

I'm quite happy to see that you found my DrBinCas program useful!

If you discover a bug or would like to see a new feature, just tell me, I'll be glad to implement it.

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Re: Dragon Development - Using a PC?

Post by Rink »

Will do mate. Though I've been using it in this build chain for a few months now and it's never done anything less than exactly what I expected. :)

At one point I did have to write a quick DrCasBin (I can't remember why) so maybe extending your tool to dump data out of .CAS files into a single .bin file would also be handy?

Great tool though.
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Re: Dragon Development - Using a PC?

Post by robcfg »


When I have a little time, I'll look at dumping the data out of a .CAS file.
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