Any 64-bit Windows users here?

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Re: Any 64-bit Windows users here?

Post by zephyr »

Thanks. It would be sweet now if it weren't for the crazy ROM CRC idea.
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Re: Any 64-bit Windows users here?

Post by rolfmichelsen »

The 20120507 snapshot works for me. Now autodetects Dos and I'm able to load cartridges using Ctrl+I.

-- Rolf
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Re: Any 64-bit Windows users here?

Post by zephyr »

There seems to be another problem. I just tried turning off fast tape loading under CoCo 2 emulation with "-no-tape-fast" on the command line, and now it won't load a BASIC program from virtual (.cas) cassette.

I have attached the BASIC program for test purposes.

EDIT: Attachment removed.
Last edited by zephyr on Tue May 08, 2012 12:41 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Any 64-bit Windows users here?

Post by sixxie »

Ok that one was simple enough - seems like the CoCo needs more leader bytes to sync up. I've modified the threshold where "-tape-pad-auto" takes effect.

As for CRCs determining behaviour being crazy... Well, I'm always trying to judge what the best default behaviour should be - as in, what would cause least annoyance to someone who hasn't yet read the manual (principle of least astonishment). I think it's a good default not to break if a custom ROM is custom enough that the entry points are different. And I needed a way to discriminate anyway - the different versions of the Color BASIC ROMs for the CoCo vary in that way quite a lot.

However, this snapshot includes the ability to "alias" new CRCs so they're thought of as effectively the same as some known ROM, and the last versions I could find of the Woolham ROMs (2.2 for Dragon 32, 3 for Dragon 32 & 64) are included in that list.

As a last resort, I've added the "-force-crc-match" option. This will force it to think that any ROM loaded is Dragon 32 BASIC, Dragon 64 BASIC or Color BASIC 1.3 depending on emulated architecture.
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Re: Any 64-bit Windows users here?

Post by Alastair »

sixxie wrote:However, this snapshot includes...
Sixxie, it would have been helpful if you had labelled the revised snapshots as xroar-snap-20120507-b-[machine platform and extension], or similar, to help differentiate them from the versions you posted earlier today. It was only by looking at the time stamp that I realised that these were a different version to that which I had downloaded earlier today (and which I have still not checked, but then I'm using 32-bit XP so I'm not going to be much help in testing the 64-bit release).
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Re: Any 64-bit Windows users here?

Post by zephyr »

sixxie wrote:As a last resort, I've added the "-force-crc-match" option. This will force it to think that any ROM loaded is Dragon 32 BASIC, Dragon 64 BASIC or Color BASIC 1.3 depending on emulated architecture.
It makes things a little more complicated, but that's a nice compromise. Thanks! :)

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