Dragon Convert for Windows

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Re: Dragon Convert for Windows

Post by Sarah »

rolfmichelsen wrote:Works like a charm for me.

I did a single attempt at sampling Katerpillar 2 and converting it to a CAS file. First attempt failed, probably because I used 16 bit samples. Once the WAV file was properly converted to 8 bit mono samples, I got a clean CAS file that loads into XROAR.
Brilliant, thanks Rolf! :D
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Re: Dragon Convert for Windows

Post by robcfg »


Thank you for the explanation, I'll do some more testing knowing what I have to do. Interesting also why it wasn't picking my wav files right.

Now, for the sync tones, maybe it's my machine that is a bit picky, or my setup, I don't know. Anyway, according to the specs, and what I see on the real wave dump, at the end of each block there should only be a trailing sync byte, so for my dumps, I'll stick to the spec.
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