The Dallas Quest

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The Dallas Quest

Post by daelectron »

I was wondering something...

I just stumbled upon this video on YouTube...

As a big Dallas fan in my youth, is it possible to take a game like this and convert it for the Dragon? The Dragon User magazines seem to suggest that it *is*, and that certain opcodes just need to be switched (which is presumably what has been done with games like Brewmaster that are available on these forums).

However, *who* is doing the converting? If it's someone reading this, would they be interested in converting this for the Dragon? Or is it not possible for some reason which in my ignorance I don't understand?
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Re: The Dallas Quest

Post by Commodore »

Looks pretty good. I also liked Dallas, well I still do to be honest.

Unfortunately I'm not the man to convert this, I wouldn't know how to.
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Re: The Dallas Quest

Post by sixxie »

Most games that load all at once are a pretty straightforward conversion: usually all it takes is modifying the keyboard scanning to account for the different matrix layout.

Unfortunately, Dallas Quest is disk-based, and as it doesn't look like it's using OS-9 it would be some major work to convert.
Shock Trooper
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Re: The Dallas Quest

Post by Shock Trooper »

Re: most games that load all at once are pretty straightforward conversion…

Can you convert Moon Shuttle & Ms. Maze from CoCo to Dragon 32 :)

The UK version of Ninja Warrior uses P & K, N & M keys which I think are the original CoCo cursor keys so it was never recoded to use Dragon cursor keys.

Can Ninja Warrior (UK release) and Colorpede ever be changed to use UK Dragon cursor keys?

Also can I run a .rom file using CoCo SDC (in particular the modified Tandy .rom files including Demon Attack on these forums) on a Dragon 32.


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