Dragon expansions - FF00 page ports

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Dragon expansions - FF00 page ports

Post by bluearcus »

OK... a thread to accumulate info on Dragon FF00 page usage by expansions
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Re: Dragon expansions - FF00 page ports

Post by bluearcus »

Voltmace Delta 14B multi-button joystick adapter

Code: Select all

!P2/!SCS	FF40-FF43		6821 PIA, mirrored upto FF5F
CoCoSDC (Dragon Mode)

Code: Select all

!P2/!SCS	FF40			Emulated Disk Controller command/status reg.
		FF41			Emulated Disk Controller track reg.
		FF42			Emulated Disk Controller sector reg.
		FF43			Emulated Disk Controller data reg.
		FF48	        	Emulated Control latch
		FF4A			Flash Data Register
		FF4B			Flash Control Register
		No mirroring?
!R2/!CTS	C000-FEFF		Flash ROM
Ikon Drive

Code: Select all

!P2/!SCS	FF4C-FF4F		6821 PI, mirrors once at FF5C-FF5F
!R2/!CTS	C000-CFFF		4k ROM
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Re: Dragon expansions - FF00 page ports

Post by dublevay »

6x09 SuperSprite FM+ (MPI Mode)

Code: Select all

!P2/!SCS	FF56-FF57		YM2413 ports
        	FF58-FF5B		V9958 ports
        	FF5C-FF5D		YM2149 ports
        	FF5E			Video select port (bit 0)
6x09 SuperSprite FM+ (Native Mode)

Code: Select all

        	FF76-FF77		YM2413 ports
        	FF78-FF7B		V9958 ports
        	FF7C-FF7D		YM2149 ports
        	FF7E			Video select port (bit 0)
Last edited by dublevay on Mon Aug 16, 2021 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dragon expansions - FF00 page ports

Post by MaestroSoftware »

I tried to organize this in the wiki as a table : http://worldofdragon.org/index.php?titl ... _ADDRESSES
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Re: Dragon expansions - FF00 page ports

Post by robcfg »

The speech synthesizer by J.C.B. Microsystems exposes a PIA data and control registers at $FF42 and $FF43.

Manual here.
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Re: Dragon expansions - FF00 page ports

Post by robcfg »

The Touchmaster tablet uses $FF5C to $FF5F.

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Re: Dragon expansions - FF00 page ports

Post by robcfg »

The Dragon's claw seems to map 16 registers starting at a location selectable with a wire link.

The start address can be $FF80, $FF90, $FFA0 or $FFB0.

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Re: Dragon expansions - FF00 page ports

Post by Azerpy »

With a coco MiniFlash, you can choose the address of flash bank selection register
between $FF49, FF59, FF69, FF79
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Re: Dragon expansions - FF00 page ports

Post by prime »

DragonMMC used locations

All in $FF50-$FF5F

$FF50 D_CMD_REG Command / Result
$FF51 D_LATCH_REG Latch (single byte parameters).
$FF52 D_READ_DATA_REG Read data
$FF53 D_WRITE_DATA_REG Write data
$FF55 D_PIA_MAP PIA redirect (write only)
$FF56 D_RAM_CTRL RAM / ROM control register
$FF57 unused.
$FF59 D_SAMBITS_LSB SAM bits (16 bits as programmed to SAM).
$FF5B RAM bank read / write registers


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