Up Periscope

Looking for a Dragon or CoCo game not already in the archive - Then request it here and hopefully it will either be uploaded to the archive or another member can upload it to this forum.
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Up Periscope

Post by dragonmate »

Does anyone have a newer version of the game "Up Periscope", in a emulator. That runs smoothly without any errors.
I am running 1996 version and 1983 and both of the games have a line 26 error.

Thank you.
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Re: Up Periscope

Post by robcfg »

The version at the Archive should be ok.

Are you running XRoar with any DOS cartridge? If so, remove it, hard-reset the machine and try again.

The loading commands are CLOAD and RUN.
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Re: Up Periscope

Post by dragonmate »

Thank you for your reply. I am running up periscope as .cas on Xroar. (didnt think you could get or convert to cartridge).

Anyway there is a fault with the programme both 1983 and 1996 version.

Anyone know if there is a error free version or how to fix the programme.

Thanks for looking.

OM Error in 26
26 If G$=" " OR AY> 178OR AY <0 THEN RETURN
and in 48 etc

I ran a Error Trapping

Allows full error trapping from within a Basic program.

10 X=%TRAP1000
20 REM rest of program
1000 REM program jumps here if error occurs
1030 END

%ERR gives the error number.
%ERL gives the line number that the error occured in.
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Re: Up Periscope

Post by robcfg »

You didn't understand me.

If you have a DOS cartridge connected, the disk rom takes up some memory and makes Up Periscope crash.

On XRoar's menu bar, select Cartridge->None, then Machine->Hard Reset and finally, load the game with CLOAD and RUN.

I've tried that and the game works flawlessly.
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Re: Up Periscope

Post by pser1 »

I have tried the game on XRoar emulating both D32 and D64 but always without DOS.
The game works and no ERROR message appears.
When should it appear?
I attach here the cas file I am using for maybe it is not the same as yours

kind regards
Up Periscope (1983)(Beyond)[!][RUN].zip
(7.65 KiB) Downloaded 903 times
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Re: Up Periscope

Post by snarkhunter »


I would tend to believe the "178OR" bit in Line 26 might account for this error.
I myself would add a blank space between the figures and the logical operator ("178 OR").
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Re: Up Periscope

Post by robcfg »

The blank space is not an issue, the basic interpreter recognizes that pretty well.
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