Dragon Meetup 2018 - 16th June

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Dragon Meetup 2018 - 16th June

Post by tjewell »

Hi all, I said I'd do an official post and here it is!

Like last year, we've got the classroom at the Centre for Computing History from the morning (Museum opens to the public at 10am, but there should be people there earlier) until 4.30pm. I'll make sure there's plenty of composite monitors available. I'll also get hold of some big screens for demos.

I'll also make sure we all get a behind the scenes tour of the Museum's collection afterwards - for those of you who didn't come last year, there's a huge amount that's not on display and it's fascinating.

I hope some of us can meet up for a beer afterwards. The pub at the station isn't the cheapest, but it's convenient for those that need to get trains home and has parking. If anyone has equipment they want to store somewhere more secure, I have a flat around the corner from the station, and we can leave things there.

I'd like to have a rough idea what people are bringing, so I can make sure we have enough space - and also so I can get the publicity ball rolling! I'll dust off the museum's own collection of Dragons, so if you're coming far and want to demonstrate some software, we might be able to supply machines to save you lugging one. It's also good to have a few machines as spares (remembering that last year my own D64 decided to die).

I do want to re-iterate that no one should feel under any pressure to have anything new to show - if you brought stuff last year, bring the same stuff again. There'll be some new faces this year, I'm sure, who'll want to see what people are working on. I also know I didn't get to talk to everyone last year and there were things I missed I'd love to see again properly this year - and I'm sure I'm not alone!

I'll be bringing a selection of stuff - the DragonPlus, the CocoVGA and all the other add-ons I've got. I'll also bring my Brazilian clones and some of my other 6809/6847 based machines. Feel free to bring any other machines you might have, no matter how loosely connected. I'm also hoping we might get a couple special guests - I'm trying to persuade Duncan Smeed to come and sign copies of 'Inside the Dragon' :)

Looking forward to seeing you all next month!
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Re: Dragon Meetup 2018 - 16th June

Post by robcfg »

I can’t yet confirm that I’ll be attending as I’m currently moving to Stockholm, but I’ll do my best!
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Re: Dragon Meetup 2018 - 16th June

Post by Bosco »

I'm planning to be there Tony.

I'll bring along a Dragon and a demo of my work-in-progress homebrew game. :)

Would be cool to meet Duncan. I hope he can make it?
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Re: Dragon Meetup 2018 - 16th June

Post by tjewell »

Well, it looks like Duncan's coming! Who still has their copy of his book? Mine's actually looking quite tidy, given how often I referred to it!
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Re: Dragon Meetup 2018 - 16th June

Post by Bosco »

That's great news! :D

I only have an Ebay copy of `Inside the Dragon' but would love to get it signed none-the-less. :)
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Re: Dragon Meetup 2018 - 16th June

Post by pser1 »

I have this book, but unfortunately there are no chances for me to be there :-(
Hope you will tell us how this goes ... photos, videos as usual!

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Re: Dragon Meetup 2018 - 16th June

Post by Sarah »

tjewell wrote:Well, it looks like Duncan's coming! Who still has their copy of his book? Mine's actually looking quite tidy, given how often I referred to it!
Wow, that's cool. Think I have a copy... couldn't afford to buy it back in the 80s, so had to make do with pages photocopied from the library, however many years later I was given a copy when someone had a clearout of Dragon books (it might even have been Paul Grade of NDUG that donated it)!
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Re: Dragon Meetup 2018 - 16th June

Post by Bosco »

Ok, just to double-check, the museum will be open from 10am?

How much is admission?
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Re: Dragon Meetup 2018 - 16th June

Post by robcfg »

Now I can confirm that I’ll be there.

See you in a few days!
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Re: Dragon Meetup 2018 - 16th June

Post by tormod »

I'll be there too! Looking forward to seeing you all. I will also be around a good part of Friday and Sunday if anyone wants to hang out.
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