Flex disks

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Flex disks

Post by prime »

Ok I won this lot on ebay recently :-

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0461779073

This archive is a dump of the comercial disks in this batch I will do the rest at some later date.

Thd disks are raw images taken as a dd from Linux.

Note three of the disks are single desnity !


Flex disks.
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Re: Flex disks

Post by admin »

PSE-Orange-Flex-Disk1.dsk is actually Flex Pack V1.0 (c) 1986 MicroVision - Roy Coates (Of Manic Miner/JSW fame) is the man behind MicroVision. I guess Orange picked up the distro rights towards the end.
Simon Hardy
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Re: Flex disks

Post by robcfg »

I cannot load them into XRoar, is there any utility to convert them?
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Re: Flex disks

Post by admin »

You need to add the VDK header to the file and rename to .VDK. There should be the tools to do this in the downloads area - if not give me a shout as I have compiled them for Win32.
Simon Hardy
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Re: Flex disks

Post by prime »

admin wrote:You need to add the VDK header to the file and rename to .VDK. There should be the tools to do this in the downloads area - if not give me a shout as I have compiled them for Win32.
Indeed, though oddly, the Flex-OS disk boots fine in MESS, and I was able to access the Cobol and Basic disks mounted in drive 2, though it was probably using the wrong geometry, but since the directory is in the first few sectors that was ok. Though perhaps MESS can recognise the boot sector of Flex disks and adjust the geometry acordingly, I know it will do this for OS9 disks providing that they have the .os9 extension.

The really odd thing with these disks was that when I analised them with Anadisk under PC-DOS, the interleave varied from track to track, mostly 5:1 and 6:1 but sometimes 2:1.


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