Dragon models

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Dragon models

Post by robcfg »


I was thinking that the Dragon 200 wiki page is a bit crowded and maybe we should take the Dragon 100 and Dragon 300 out to their own pages.

Also they should appear on the main page in the side bar, and maybe rename the link to "Dragon 200/200E" for clarity.

I recently got the Dragon 200 manual and it references the Dragon 100 in the memory map section. Not that it implies that the Dragon 100 was sold, but confirms that it was the equivalent to the Dragon 32 ("Dragon 200 memory map 0 configuration is identical to that of the Dragon 100").

Please let me know your thoughts on this.

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Re: Dragon models

Post by pser1 »

Hello Roberto Carlos,
I have a Dragon 200 and had not noticed nothing about the Dragon 100.
But it really would be better that each machine has its own page

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Re: Dragon models

Post by Alastair »

I'm not sure if the 100 and 300 warrant a page each. Perhaps there should be a new page titled "Other Dragons" or "Unconfirmed Dragons" and the 100, 300, and any other mystery Dragon be placed on this page until such time as we have enough information about a model to move it to a separate page.
robcfg wrote:[...] maybe rename the [Dragon 200] link to "Dragon 200/200E" for clarity.
That's a very good idea.
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