Burning Dragon disks - Omniflop?

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Burning Dragon disks - Omniflop?

Post by raycomp »

I have a Cumana interface with DOS 2.0 which is working fine and a few .dsk and .dmk files on my PC.
I was wondering if I could burn these to a disk with Omniflop.
I am not sure which, if any, Omniflop options are compatible with any of the DOS formats that can be used with a Dragon.
If necessary I can burn a ROM for a different DOS.
Anyone tried this?
Ray :)
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Re: Burning Dragon disks - Omniflop?

Post by robcfg »

I haven't used Omniflop for writing disks, but I think it's doable by selecting the equivalent CoCo geometry.

Also, CoCoDsk (I think that's the name) can also write disks, but if you are using VDK disk image files, you'll have to convert them to plain DSK files first.
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Re: Burning Dragon disks - Omniflop?

Post by raycomp »

I have used Omniflop to burn Dragon disks.
I have used a Hex editor to delete the header from VDK files then saved as .img file.
I have a 5.25" 40/80 track switched drive on the Dragon set to 40T - so it double steps. I format the disk on the Dragon.
In Omniflop I select RadioShack CoCo NitrOS9 40xDblStep SS 180kB which works with my 1.2Mb drive, it shouls also work with a 720K drive.
The are other RadioShack CoCo NitrOS9 options for alternative disk formats - there is SngStep SS 180kB for a true 40T drive.
Ray :)
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