Subcategories for Games

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Re: Subcategories for Games

Post by Alastair »

admin wrote:
Alastair wrote: As far as I can work out, you create a new page and at the bottom of that page you enter [[Category:Games]] thus making that new page as subcategory of the games page. Then at the bottom of each game that corresponds to that subcategory you add [[Category:Adventure]] or whatever the subcategory is called.
That will create a category page for Adventure - I think you then need to edit that page and put [[Category:Games]] to create the hierachy (Its been a while since I did this!). The category names are global throughout the site so we need to be careful about clashes (hence the games and books ones are prefixed).
Right, I'm doing this slowly as I'm not entirely sure of what I'm doing, and for that reason I am restraining myself to one subcategory and one game, to limit any damage I may cause.

First I created a new page for the category "Adventure" thus: ... :Adventure

I was told that the page did not contain any text so I chose "edit this page" and inserted the text in the following code box

Code: Select all

A list of adventure games available for the Dragon.

Having saved the page, refreshing ... gory:Games
shows "Adventure" under "Subcategories," so that seems successful.

Next onto "Adventureland" at ... entureland
choose "edit" and add both [[Category:Games]] and [[Category:Adventure]] to the end of the text. I.E.

Code: Select all

(text above not shown)
mirror; and a firestone.

== Screenshots ==


[[Category:Games]] [[Category:Adventure]]
Preview does not show the new categories, but saving does. Incidentally [[Category:Games]] isn't needed for the entry to appear in the "Adventure" subcategory, I included it so that it will also appear in the "Games" category.

A refresh of both ... :Adventure
and ... gory:Games
shows an entry for "Adventureland" on each page. So that also seems successful.
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Re: Subcategories for Games

Post by Alastair »

So did I mess that up because it should be Category:Game_Adventure ?
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Re: Subcategories for Games

Post by admin »

Alastair wrote:So did I mess that up because it should be Category:Game_Adventure ?
No... I think we are okay for game subcategories as they would not apply to any other type of content.

When I get time I'll start going through and adding some - but don't let that stop anybody else.
Simon Hardy
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Re: Subcategories for Games

Post by Alastair »

admin wrote:
Alastair wrote:So did I mess that up because it should be Category:Game_Adventure ?
No... I think we are okay for game subcategories as they would not apply to any other type of content.
There is a book called "Exploring Adventures on the Dragon" plus there are magazine columns such as "Adventure Trail" and "Arcade Arena" hence my uncertainty. By using Category:Game_Adventure instead of Category:Adventure it leaves open the possibility of creating a Category:Adventure page at some later date, this new page having subcategories of Category:Book_Adventure, Category:Game_Adventure, Category:Magazine_Adventure, Category:Magazine_Column_Adventure, Category:Etc._Adventure, or whatever is decided at the time. The same applies to all the other game subcategories.

So if you are certain that tagging each adventure game with Category:Adventure is fine then I will continue, but I do need confirmation.
admin wrote:When I get time I'll start going through and adding some - but don't let that stop anybody else.
We still need to decide on the subcategories, so far we have:
Simulation (perhaps needing a better name)

Another possible subcategory is "Education" but is this like "Sport" in being extraneous?
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Re: Subcategories for Games

Post by admin »

Okay - maybe I need to have a think about all the data types and classifications - I will do this and then publish a list in the next couple of days so we all know what to use.
Simon Hardy
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Re: Subcategories for Games

Post by Alastair »

Returning to this topic after a few months I notice that games now have their genre noted in the info boxes on their respective entry pages. Is the intention that these genres will eventually be clickable and by clicking on a genre you will be taken to a page that lists all entries for that genre? In other words does this supersede my original idea?
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Re: Subcategories for Games

Post by snarkhunter »

snarkhunter wrote:I guess there are a few people who would be willing to help there...
And you may count me in!

As far as the categories are concerned, this would be fine with me, and I do believe there are enough standard genres to fit most of Dragon software.
admin wrote:Fantastic - you should be able to Login to the Wiki with the same username and password that you use for the forums. This should enable the "Edit" tab at the top of each page and allow you to create new pages.

If this doesn't work then let me know as all I have to do is add you to a group called Wiki on here.
I just tried to log in to the "Dragon software" Wiki page, but it seems I'm only able to edit the "header" part of the document: when I go to the "Edit" tab, I have a page containing only the "All the Dragon games." text, so I would seem unable to add/edit subcategories, the actual content for those, etc.
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Re: Subcategories for Games

Post by Alastair »

snarkhunter wrote:I just tried to log in to the "Dragon software" Wiki page, but it seems I'm only able to edit the "header" part of the document: when I go to the "Edit" tab, I have a page containing only the "All the Dragon games." text, so I would seem unable to add/edit subcategories, the actual content for those, etc.
I take it you mean the entry "Category:Games"? This is a special page, apart from some explanatory text ("All the Dragon games.") you do not add anything to this page. Instead you go to the page of a game and add the genre there, the game will then be automatically added to the "Category:Games" page. For an illustration, look at both the normal and edit pages of "Savage Island Part 1" ... and_Part_1 - the codes of interest are "[[:Category:Adventure|Adventure]]" and "[[Category:Adventure]]". The "|Adventure" that appears in the first code ensures that "Adventure" rather than "Category:Adventure" appears on the normal page, however I have no idea why one code has two colons while the other has one.
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Re: Subcategories for Games

Post by snarkhunter »

Sorry, but I really don't get it. Just tried again with "3D Space Wars", i.e. moving it to a new "Arcade|Shoot'em up" genre by entering similar information as found in the entry for an adventure game. And it did not have any visible impact.

I mean the game's individual page was updated: ... Space_Wars

But not the general "Games" page, that still does not have any "Arcade" nor "Shoot'em up" (sub-)categories added.

Moreover, when I move the mouse pointer over the latter two, I only get a "(page does not exist)" text displayed. I guess this is indeed an explanation, but I would now need to be able to understand how the whole thing works.


Ok, I think I'm beginning to understand: I could add an "Arcade" category, then connect "3D Space Wars" to it. It's a matter of creating all layers and not forgetting to state the upper level to any page if one wants it listed under that level.
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Re: Subcategories for Games

Post by snarkhunter »

Ok, looks like I've been greatly improving today! I also created the "Simulation" category, then a "Platform" sub-category, with a definition retrieved from the Wiki entry (part of it).

Please note that whatever I've been doing, or will be doing, in the Dragon Wiki is there for you to add to/amend, should you ever feel it is inaccurate.

But there's still one thing I just couldn't figure out so far: how does one create a new entry for a missing game?!
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