XRoar snapshot 2016-23837

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XRoar snapshot 2016-23837

Post by pser1 »

Hello Ciaran,
I saw that new snapshot and downloaded it. More machines? can't wait to see them ...
After some tries with GDB on a Windows 7 environment emulating a D64, it keeps hanging
as soon as the GDB intercepts the breakpoint :-(
Is there anything new to avoid this behaviour?

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Re: XRoar snapshot 2016-23837

Post by sixxie »

I've had no luck tracking down what's happening there in the GDB handling. I suspect I might have to rewrite the whole system using event queues rather than threads to avoid it. The most annoying part is that other Windows users have reported it "works for them", and nothing significant changed in that code between the working and non-working versions!

As for this snapshot - have you tried "-ccr ntsc" yet (with a game that uses the NTSC artifacted colours)? It doesn't quite look right at the moment - a hue issue I think - but that's more accurately simulating the low pass filtering and colour decoding of an NTSC telly. The thinking being that at some point it'll need to render the CoCo 3 "256 colour" mode.
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Re: XRoar snapshot 2016-23837

Post by pser1 »

Hi Ciaran,
thanks for the idea I will try it out along the weekend.
What Windows version are the 'fortunate' users using? mine is Windows7.
The last XRoar version that works fine with GDB (for me) is:
XRoar v0.33.2-2015-33312 w64

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Re: XRoar snapshot 2016-23837

Post by pser1 »

using a D64 emulation with -ccr ntsc didn't show artifacted colours on Astroblast.
But with a CoCo2 emulated worked alright.

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Re: XRoar snapshot 2016-23837

Post by pser1 »

I tested it with the old version, sorry.
When doing the same with the new, with a CoCo2 this is a screenhsot of
-normal NTSC without the parameter (left image)
- with the -ccr ntsc on the right image
comparison NTSC on CoCo2x.jpg
comparison NTSC on CoCo2x.jpg (24.32 KiB) Viewed 3063 times
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Re: XRoar snapshot 2016-23837

Post by sixxie »

Savour the blurriness ;)

Just need some way to set hue, brightness, contrast.
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Re: XRoar snapshot 2016-23837

Post by pser1 »

Hi Sixxie,
I have tested last XRoar snapshot (win32) with GDB on a Windows Vista
and have got the same result ... XRoar hanging and issuing the same error
when the breakpoint is reached.

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Re: XRoar snapshot 2016-23837

Post by pser1 »

Hello Ciaran,
I don't know if I have any missing parameter in my bat file that launches XRoar.
This is the contents of the file

Code: Select all

copy ..\XRoar\DOS-ROMs\dplus50.rom ddos40.rom
copy ..\XRoar\ROMs\d64rom1V31.rom d64_1.rom
copy ..\XRoar\ROMs\d64rom2V31.rom d64_2.rom
start xroar -gdb -machine dragon64 -machine-cpu 6309 -extbas d64_1.rom -altbas d64_2.rom -machine-cart dragondos -cart-rom ddos40.rom -force-crc-match -disk-write-back -joy-left 0,0:1:0 -kbd-translate -lp-file ..\XRoar\sortida.txt 
pause "press any key when XRoar is on"
m6809-gdb -ex "layout asm" -ex "layout regs" --eval-command="target remote localhost:65520"
del *.rom
This works fine with older versions ...

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Re: XRoar snapshot 2016-23837

Post by pser1 »

Hi Ciaran,
I have had time to make some more tests:
last version for W32 on Windows Vista and on Windows 10 failed both
last version for W64 on Windows 7 Home, Windows 7 Pro and Windows 10 failed them all

Just to be sure I am not using the wrong GDB version, I attach here a zip with the used files ...
for maybe you could verify they are correct.

thanks in advance
(3.63 MiB) Downloaded 169 times
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