DragonDos utility

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DragonDos utility

Post by pser1 »

@Rolf Michelsen
Hi Rolf,
I wanted to use your utility DragonDos to add some 60 files to a VDK image
In fact I will have to do that more that 25 times with different files!
I wanted to avoid writting the full name of all of the files, so I tried
Dragondos -v write PACK.VDK *.BIN
but it doesn't work, the error was: "Local filesystem I/O error"
then I tried redirection:
DragonDos -v write PACK.VDK <list.txt
and just get the message "DragonDos filename missing"
Is there any way to do a 'massive' insert into a VDK file?

thanks in advance
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Re: DragonDos utility

Post by sorchard »

I don't know if the command line will become too long, but a bit of batch file malarky could do it. Something like this...

Code: Select all

@cd %~dp0 
<NUL set /p="Dragondos -v write PACK.VDK " > diskcmd.bat
for %%A in ("*.bin") do <NUL set /p=%%A >> diskcmd.bat
call diskcmd.bat
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Re: DragonDos utility

Post by sorchard »

If it's possible to use the Dragondos command to add one file at a time then this might be a bit easier to understand. You'll need to check if it works as I'm just using your example.

Code: Select all

@cd %~dp0 
echo rem > diskcmd.bat
for %%A in ("*.bin") do echo Dragondos -v write PACK.VDK %%A >> diskcmd.bat
call diskcmd.bat
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Re: DragonDos utility

Post by rolfmichelsen »

Ah! A real user making a request :-) I certainly cannot miss that opportunity. I'll try to squeence in some time to make the necessary improvements this weekend.

--- Rolf
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Re: DragonDos utility

Post by pser1 »

HI Stew,
I did something like that and by now I have 11 disks (180K each) full of .ORC files!
My question was to know if there was a parameter or some trick to do that task
without using bacth DOS files ...

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Re: DragonDos utility

Post by pser1 »

Hi Rolf,
you DragonDos utility works like a charm!
We have a big bunch of orchestra90cc scores (2486 exactly) converted to binary .ORC files
I wanted to group them in disks 180k and ended up creating a DOS macro that calls your DragonDOS
much in the way Stew has shown in previous posts ...
I just wanted to know if there were any trick to process a great lot of files one shot.

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