Orchestra-90 CC

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Orchestra-90 CC

Post by tjewell »

Hi all - I noticed a (very expensive) Orchestra-90 CC cartridge go by recently on eBay, and was quite intrigued by it! I note that Xroar has support for this cartridge, and Prime was helpful enough to post the firmware to the Facebook group (I've since found it in the archive - doh!).

So, I'm trying to get this to work, and I've run the following:

xroar -machine-cart orch90 -cart-rom <path_to_downloaded_rom>

The Orchestra manual suggests I should find myself running their software, but I'm still at an OK prompt. What have I missed? Thanks in advance!
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Re: Orchestra-90 CC

Post by pser1 »

Hi Tony,

I couldn't resist and tried on XRoar with this bat file
copy ..\XRoar\ROMs\d64rom1.rom d64_1.rom
copy ..\XRoar\ROMs\d64rom2.rom d64_2.rom
xroar -machine dragon64 -extbas d64_1.rom -altbas d64_2.rom -machine-cart orch90 -force-crc-match -tape-fast -joy-left 0,0:1:0 -kbd-translate -lp-file ..\XRoar\sortida.txt
del *.dgn
del *.rom
It starts but does nothing. Then I entered EXEC&HC002 and appeared this screen but the programs hangs ... or waits for a key that I have not yest preseed!
will make some more tests ... but the soft in the ROM is for the CoCo so there could be problems with ROM calls (?)

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Re: Orchestra-90 CC

Post by pser1 »

got it working!

you must enter
EXEC&HC000 instead
The be sure that XRoar is emulating the CoCo Keyboard (or you will be fooled)
Select: Hardware / Keyboard Map / CoCo layout
Then press S, enter and wait for a while
Finally press P and enter to listen to the WillTell overture

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Re: Orchestra-90 CC

Post by pser1 »

I didn't look at the two first bytes on the cartridge image.
This one has no 'mark' to ask for auto-starting. Basic looks at this 2 bytes and if there is a "DK" then calls &HC002 ant there you go.
In this case the program begins right in the first byte, so &HC000 must be called instead.

Hope you enjoy it.

Congratulations to Ciaran for having added support for this cartridge. I had never tried it out. It is very nice indeed!

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Re: Orchestra-90 CC

Post by tjewell »

Pere - that worked perfectly!

Just to summarise, I did the following:

xroar -machine-cart orch90 -cart-rom <path_to_downloaded_orchestra_rom>
(my Xroar picks up the D32 rom by default)

Then I did an EXEC&HC000 in Xroar.

Don't forget to set the Coco keyboard map (I did this through the GUI).
Hit S and return (wait 10 secs)
P and return

And then sit back! In stereo, it's actually rather impressive.

I really need to get one of these carts for real!
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Re: Orchestra-90 CC

Post by pser1 »

pleased to know you have got it working too ...
The way it is programmed seems a bit complicated, but probably we could find hundreds of tunes already made by people in the CoCo arena.
Next step is making it work with a DOS cartridge connected (in XRoar) so that we could save our great compositions, I assume that this wil involve using the MPI options ... more tests
to do, I don't know why the stack is always getting bigger and bigger ;-)

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Re: Orchestra-90 CC

Post by tormod »

Just FYI, there are two ways cartridges are autostarted:
1. The typical DOS cartridge having DK at $C000 and execution starts at $C002. I wonder if DK means DOS Kartridge, would be nice to know for sure. BASIC checks for this after initialisation just before entering the command line loop.
2. The typical game cartridge, electronically triggering FIRQ through the cartridge port "CART" pin, usually by simply routing the clock signal Q to CART. BASIC sets up a FIRQ handler during initialisation, and as soon as interrupts are enabled, it kicks in and the handler jumps to $C000. This is done just after the DK check.
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Re: Orchestra-90 CC

Post by sorchard »

The default setup for the orch90 seems to have firq autorun disabled (-no-cart-autorun)

I haven't tried but it should be possible to create an autorunning cartridge description by adding something like the following to xroar.conf:

Code: Select all

cart orch90auto
  cart-desc Orchestra-90 CC (Autorun)
  cart-type orch90
  cart-rom orch90
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Re: Orchestra-90 CC

Post by pser1 »

Hi Stew,

I have added these lines as a new cart in the XRoar config and when I tried it
it hangs because it seems to call $C002.
The only way to start it right is calling $C000 instead.
The first 4 bytes of the program modify the stack:
$10 $CE $00 $FA --> LDS $00FA
So, skiping two bytes crashes the program

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Re: Orchestra-90 CC

Post by pser1 »

Pressing 'S' after the wrong initiated program, goes to the first screen but the stack has not been moved.
I don't know the possible side-effects of this, but I would prefer to add two $00.
I am going to make this test

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