Dragon Facebook Group

A place to discuss everything Dragon related that doesn't fall into the other categories.
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Dragon Facebook Group

Post by Stig »

Hi All,

A new facebook group has been started a couple of months ago and it has become quite popular. Some of the members from these forums are already in the group. Some very exciting and interesting discussions going on in there right now !

I spoke to Simon (admin here) and he said I should share the group here.

Anyway, it would be great to see some more of you Dragon experts there.

BTW I am admin of the group, I have a large ban hammer and I'm not afraid to use it :)


Thanks guys

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Re: Dragon Facebook Group

Post by tjewell »

I definitely think there's room for both. This forum is great for in-depth technical discussions - I've just finished reading Pere's description of the wonderful work he's done on DOS and drivewire, and that would be a nightmare to read and respond to on Facebook. But Facebook is good for more informal chats, swapping hints and tips and welcoming new users to the world of Dragons! It's certainly inspired me to dust off my 6809 guides and start coding again. So come say hello!
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Re: Dragon Facebook Group

Post by tormod »

This makes me a little sad. A closed Dragon forum. Wild dragons couldn't make me sign up at FB. I hope anything exciting is posted here as well!
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Re: Dragon Facebook Group

Post by pser1 »

Hi Tormod,
despite I don't like Facebook too much, I used the link that John gave us and ... it works.
In fact John approved my membership and since then I get a mail message for every 'move'
in the group.
It is really very interesting!
Yes, there are quite a lot of messages, but among them there is info we don't get here, so I will
encourage any interested user to join that group ... with John's permission ;-)

I hope you could solve that problem ...

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Re: Dragon Facebook Group

Post by tjewell »

Hi - I understand your frustration at it being a closed group. Unfortunately, the nature of Facebook means that open groups can suffer terribly from spam (and it also helps keep your group posts out of your normal feed etc). Most user groups are closed for this reason.

I think Facebook sucks as a platform for technical forums (in fact, forums full stop), but what Facebook has is a huge community. Love it or loath it, a vast number of people use it, and some of these people have Dragons, and like to talk about them. I will admit I like the informal chats and simple picture/opinion/knowledge sharing I can have there, that would only clutter up this forum. I really do think there's a place for both - and I hope a (understandable) hatred of closed Facebook groups is outweighed by a love of Dragons and a chance to talk about them and share knowledge of them.

If anything exciting happens, it'll definitely be reported back here (and mostly likely it will have started here first anyway).
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Re: Dragon Facebook Group

Post by Stig »

The facebook group wasn't created by me, I am just a moderator on it. I am not responsible for it being a closed group, however, I prefer it being closed as it keeps out the general spam and allows for a more "dedicated" following.

As Tony (tjewell) said, there is definitely room for both, the fb group allows for a more personal and speedy discussion.

The group is doing really well with 98 members and more being added daily, so there is certainly an interest and apparent need for it.

I do understand the facebook isn't for everyone, I avoided it for years myself

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Re: Dragon Facebook Group

Post by dragonmarce »

Thank you very much for creating the Facebook group.
I am also a member of the list of CoCo users. In this list a Facebook group was also created and almost all information is available in the list as facebook.

Users are actively involved both the list and the group on facebook.

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