Idea: RaspberryPi IO Box: audio + DriveWire...

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Idea: RaspberryPi IO Box: audio + DriveWire...

Post by jedie »

tormod has made the cool "uDW - the DriveWire microserver" -> viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4981&hilit=Raspberry+Pi

I think a RaspberryPi can be also interesting, because it has a audio out via headphone jack (and via HDMI).
So it's possible to connect a RPi via parallel and audio.

In this case it will work without a patched ROM: Just load the cassette quick-loader via AUDIO...

But to support this, it's needed to trigger the "Remote start/stop" output from dragon audio jack. Think this can be done via RPi GPIO connector?!?
Where can i find more information about the dragon "Remote start/stop" outputs ?!?

It seems that the RaspberryPi can also capture audio in, see: ... =44&t=8496
Would be a nice gimmick to made it possible to support "save to tape", too...
... too many ideas and too little time ... Related stuff written in Python:
Dragon 32 emulator / PyDC - Python Dragon 32 converter:
DWLOAD server / Dragon-Lib and other stuff:
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Re: Idea: RaspberryPi IO Box: audio + DriveWire...

Post by sixxie »

The schematics are a good reference for stuff like that. The motor control is standard GPIO itself - pins 1 & 3 of the tape socket will be connected when the motor is ON.

As for a parallel-port connected box and audio... wasn't there a synthesizer peripheral that connected that way? ISTR being beaten to one on ebay a while ago! Could emulate that on the Pi (assuming details can be unturfed).
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Re: Idea: RaspberryPi IO Box: audio + DriveWire...

Post by tormod »

I like the idea! In fact so much that the uDW has a tape header inside the case :p In addition to bootstrapping DriveWire on a unmodified Dragon, it was meant to be used for playing back .CAS files (given they include enough sync bytes or they can be reconstructed), or as a sound card. But there is no support in the firmware yet.
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