Manual request for Module Man

Looking for a Dragon or CoCo game not already in the archive - Then request it here and hopefully it will either be uploaded to the archive or another member can upload it to this forum.
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Manual request for Module Man

Post by Pixelboy »


I know this is a long shot, but I'm currently looking for the manual of the Dragon 32 (or Coco-2) version of Module Man, and I was wondering if someone here owns this game and its manual.

I am planning to create a ColecoVision version of Module Man within the next couple of years, and having the manual of the original game would be a big help. You can read more information here:

BTW, I joined the mailing list to post the same request, but I had no luck there.

Thanks in advance for any help! :)
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Re: Manual request for Module Man

Post by admin »

I certainly have the original tape stored away - its a single cassette tape so the only "manual" as such will be the inlay card in the cassette case. Not sure how challenging its going to be to get to it at the moment so I won't make any promises.

The Dragon version of the game is available on this site for download and you could run that through XROAR to check game play etc.....and of course you could always extract the game itself and disassemble it.
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Re: Manual request for Module Man

Post by munkeyboy »

Here is the inside cover for Module Man. These are the only instructions provided with the Dragon 32/64 cassette version. Does anyone know if it was released on disk?
module man d32.jpg
module man d32.jpg (90.93 KiB) Viewed 7832 times
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Re: Manual request for Module Man

Post by Pixelboy »

Oh wow! Thank you SOOOO much, munkeyboy! :D

These instructions are brief but they do answer the questions I had about general gameplay. So it's "mission accomplished" as far as I'm concerned!

Thanks again!
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Re: Manual request for Module Man

Post by rolfmichelsen »

Module Man was indeed released on disk, and I can volunteer the instructions for the disk version. Pretty brief stuff... As far as I remember, the only instructions were those provided on the disk label.

-- Rolf
Module Man disk version
Module Man disk version
img018.jpg (200.08 KiB) Viewed 7822 times
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Re: Manual request for Module Man

Post by munkeyboy »

No problem, glad to be of some use.
Thank you Rolf for the quick answer about the disk release, much appreciated.
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Re: Manual request for Module Man

Post by Pixelboy »

By the way, the Module Man manual mentions something about support for the Tandy Speech/Sound cartridge. Is this sound add-on cart supported/emulated by one or more Dragon/Coco emulators? XROAR seems to be the emulator of choice these days, but I haven't checked it out yet...
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Re: Manual request for Module Man

Post by sixxie »

XRoar definitely doesn't, though I'd work on it if I found documentation. Um, perhaps after serial support. I'd be interested to know if MESS does it. Vcc (coco3-only emulator) doesn't list it on the home page.
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Re: Manual request for Module Man

Post by zaf »

Hmmm, module man from the software archive is not working for me. Running latest xroar, both dragon and coco give me a green screen of death. Anyone have it working?
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Re: Manual request for Module Man

Post by zephyr »

Here's a fresh dump. I have also included a copy without the auto-run in case you still have problems.

Microdeal - Module
(26.38 KiB) Downloaded 405 times
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