Encoder 09 assembler/disassembler cartridge

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Encoder 09 assembler/disassembler cartridge

Post by zephyr »

This is a copy of Premier MicroSystems 'Encoder 09' assembler/disassembler cartridge.
Premier Microsystems - Encoder 09.zip
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Re: Encoder 09 assembler/disassembler cartridge

Post by zephyr »

Here is a copy of the Dragon 32/64 cassette version. A wave file is included for easy transfer from PC to a real audio cassette.
Premier Microsystems - Encoder 09 CAS.zip
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Re: Encoder 09 assembler/disassembler cartridge

Post by zephyr »

Due to a bug in the original ENCODER 09 assembler, any attempt to CSAVE/CLOAD source code in ASCII format will fail to keep the tab spacings. The attached cartridge and cassette versions of ENCODER have been patched to fix the bug. You can now write your source code using a PC text editor, and CLOAD under XROAR - Dragon 32/64 emulation as a .BAS file.

EDIT: Attachment (ENCODER09_ASCII_FIX.zip) removed.
Last edited by zephyr on Sat Dec 21, 2013 12:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Encoder 09 assembler/disassembler cartridge

Post by zephyr »

Due to a bug in the original ENCODER 09 assembler, the SETDP pseudo opcode does not work correctly. The attached cartridge and cassette versions of ENCODER have been patched to fix both ASCII and SETDP bugs.

Here is a quick example of code which will fail to assemble correctly when using the original Encoder 09 assembler.

Code: Select all

10         ORG     $5000
20         SETDP   $50
30         LDA     #$50
40         TFR     A,DP
50         LDA     <TEST
60         STA     $0400
70         CLRA
80         TFR     A,DP
90         RTS
100 TEST    FCB     $FE
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Re: Encoder 09 assembler/disassembler cartridge

Post by zephyr »

The attached cassette version includes a small loader program which loads ENCODER at high-speed. It has been tested without problems on a real Dragon 32 and under XROAR Dragon 32/64 emulation.
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