Dragon Beta GitHub

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Dragon Beta GitHub

Post by dublevay »

I have now set up a new GitHub repository for the Dragon Beta. This contains schematics, gerbers, PAL/GAL files, useful links and disk images. The ROM images will follow.


Please note that this information is presented in good faith, but is not an offer of ongoing support regarding this Beta project.
I have no plans to change the schematics/board further at this time - but this is also not a promise that I won't. If you wish to pick up this project and take it further (HDMI etc), then you are allowed to by the terms of the license, which you should read and understand before using this repository.
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Re: Dragon Beta GitHub

Post by robcfg »

Oh my god! This is a work of beauty!

Does this mean that we could (given it's economically feasible) build our own Dragon Beta?

Thank you for your incredible work!
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Re: Dragon Beta GitHub

Post by robcfg »

Ok, so I friend and I ordered some boards at jlcpcb and are interested on Prime's add-on boards for them.

Where can we find them?

And just out of curiosity, is there any description of the Beta's keyboard matrix somewhere?
photo_2022-11-04 17.06.46.jpeg
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Re: Dragon Beta GitHub

Post by dublevay »

I've only just checked in, and am well impressed that you've gone ahead and ordered boards.

The keyboard matrix circuit diagram is on Richard's dragondata.co.uk website, though I can never access that using Chrome, and have to use MS Edge.

I believe Phill will likely release his boards on github, but not sure if he's done so yet. Only problem with the keyboard mapper is that because it maps back into the matrix circuit, the shifted character have to be where they were on the original keyboard, so left and right bracket are like the are on the Dragon.
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Re: Dragon Beta GitHub

Post by dublevay »

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Re: Dragon Beta GitHub

Post by robcfg »

Thanks a lot!

I'll keep an eye on Prime's repos too.
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Re: Dragon Beta GitHub

Post by dublevay »

I believe the mouse resistors that were 100K on the original board all need to be swapped for 0R to be used successfully. I'd advise waiting for details of Phill's USB mouse and keyboard adapter before populating those.

Also, take care around the top middle of the board. There are a few resistors marked on the schematic that should not be fitted.
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Re: Dragon Beta GitHub

Post by robcfg »

My, my! Isn't that a pretty Beta board? :mrgreen:
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Re: Dragon Beta GitHub

Post by dublevay »

It's prettier when you populate it! At the rate the other guys (Mike , Richard & Tony) are going, you could have the third built board of you get on with it! Lol.

Is there anything you need to know? I'm sure Phill would let you have Gerbers and parts lists etc to the other boards.
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Re: Dragon Beta GitHub

Post by robcfg »

The more, the better!

Specially what NOT to do or mount, like the names of the resistors you mentioned earlier.

We managed to get the weird ram chips from a polish ebay seller, but in case they don’t work, being able to order Phill’s boards would be nice.
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