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Dragon Beta

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 11:43 pm
by Pernod70
The emulation of the Beta last worked in MESS 0.138, which was 10 years ago! The MAME framework has advanced significantly since then but the Beta driver has been left to rot.

I'd really like to get the Beta emulation working again, but will require more or less a rewrite to make use of the latest MAME functionality.

Does anyone (Phill?) have any notes they can share on it's functionality, especially on the memory banking and how the two 6809's work together?

A couple of specific questions:
- Do both 6809's always see the same memory map?
- How is control passed from one 6809 to the other?

Re: Dragon Beta

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2020 6:06 pm
by prime
Pernod70 wrote: Mon Dec 07, 2020 11:43 pm The emulation of the Beta last worked in MESS 0.138, which was 10 years ago! The MAME framework has advanced significantly since then but the Beta driver has been left to rot.

I'd really like to get the Beta emulation working again, but will require more or less a rewrite to make use of the latest MAME functionality.

Does anyone (Phill?) have any notes they can share on it's functionality, especially on the memory banking and how the two 6809's work together?
I'll have a look and dig out my notes.
A couple of specific questions:
- Do both 6809's always see the same memory map?
- How is control passed from one 6809 to the other?
Yes both 6809s see the same memory map.

One of the PIAs is connected to the /HALT line on the second CPU, so the first can wake it up when it has work to do.

I'll attach my research.txt file which may proove helpfull.
(9.25 KiB) Downloaded 590 times
Memory Map.txt
(1.36 KiB) Downloaded 601 times


Re: Dragon Beta

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 12:53 pm
by Pernod70
prime wrote: Thu Dec 17, 2020 6:06 pm I'll attach my research.txt file which may proove helpfull.
Thanks for those, the area of interest is:

I think I have just realised how the two processors interact, at startup the halt line on the second
CPU is active, so the first cpu takes over and initialises the hardware, since they share the same busses,
they also share the same vectors. When the first processor does some disk IO, it enables the second CPU
which goes into a loop that either copies data from ram->fdc or from fdc->ram, this seems to be mediated by
FIRQ which goes to both processors. The first enters a loop that does nothing except check for the INTRQ
from the WD, when it gets this I presume it halts the second CPU. This is weird, both processors are
running code from the SAME ROM !

Does bit 7 of FCC0, control the reset or one of the inturrupt lines on the second CPU ?


I Think I now know how the second CPU is used.

On startup cpu #2 is halted.
During the init code cpu #2 is un-halted, it executes code from the rom, up until it hits a sync

When cpu #1 needs cpu #2 to do some work :-
stores io/address, transfer address, and read/write flag in low memory
through one of the pias, generates an NMI to cpu #2,
CPU #1 then goes into a loop syncing to inturrupt, and exits when
INTRQ from the WD comes.

Meanwhile :-
CPU #2 wakes up and picks up saved data from low memory
CPU #2 enters a synced loop, using each sync (generated by WD DRQ), to transfer a
byte to/from IO. after last byte transfered sync sends it to sleep until
woken again by NMI from CPU #1
Are both CPU's really running code from the ROM at the same time? Wouldn't that cause conflicts on the data bus? Is CPU#1 ever HALTed?

The current code has a comment saying FIRQ goes to both processors, confirmed by your notes, but the old working emulation never seemed to do this.

I'll see if I can make some more sense of this over the holidays.

Re: Dragon Beta

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 10:50 am
by prime
Pernod70 wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 12:53 pm Are both CPU's really running code from the ROM at the same time? Wouldn't that cause conflicts on the data bus? Is CPU#1 ever HALTed?

The current code has a comment saying FIRQ goes to both processors, confirmed by your notes, but the old working emulation never seemed to do this.

I'll see if I can make some more sense of this over the holidays.
As far as I can tell from the partial schematics that we have both of the CPUs have their TSC (three state control) pins controlled by external logic, meaning that whilst one is accessing the bus the other is prevented from doing so. Also remember whilst CPU #2 is active CPU #1 is wating for a SYNC, basically meaning it's sitting there internally twiddling it's fingers until it gets an interrupt.

I do have partial schematics, and BIOS listings if they would help.



Re: Dragon Beta

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 12:26 pm
by dragondata
Hi, I own the Beta board Phill did the original MESS emulation from. Whist Phill has more in-depth tech knowledge, I’ll try and help out where I can.

Re: Dragon Beta

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 12:57 pm
by Pernod70
Thanks both, I'll keep you posted. I really think it's a missing interrupt issue as both CPU's are currently sat on different SYNC's during floppy transfer.

Re: Dragon Beta

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 12:26 am
by tjewell
Interesting! I think this is also how the Fairlight CMI works (the big 80's sampler beloved of The Art of Noise, and a zillion others). That has dual 6809s, and it was described to me (some 35 years ago) that the two processors both see the same memory, and somehow work in tandem to double the speed of the system. I was always surprised this had never been used anywhere else - this is the first time I've heard of it outside of the Fairlight. (Machines like the Fujitsu FM7 have two 6809s, but they're quite separate, with one acting like a dumb terminal running the video display and keyboard, the other running Basic or OS/9).

The Fairlight is an intriguing machine - basically a 64K 2x6809 system running OS/9 - and talking to another eight 6809 machines sharing a backplane, each with another 64K, each one being a sound channel. I have schematics somewhere ... anyway, going off an a tangent here :)

Re: Dragon Beta

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 1:13 am
by Pernod70
tjewell wrote: Tue Jan 19, 2021 12:26 am The Fairlight is an intriguing machine - basically a 64K 2x6809 system running OS/9 - and talking to another eight 6809 machines sharing a backplane, each with another 64K, each one being a sound channel. I have schematics somewhere ... anyway, going off an a tangent here :)
The CMI IIx is already in MAME and works to an extent, I'll take a look at it for some inspiration.

Re: Dragon Beta

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2024 3:10 pm
by tcdev
There are a couple of Konami arcade games with dual 6809s which - I believe - see the same memory via time-interleaving accesses. It has been a very long time since I looked at the hardware for this platform, so I'm going off memory here... but the best-known game on this hardware is Time Pilot '84.

So what is the state of the MAME emulation for the Beta now? Was it ever restored to 'working' status, or has it languished since it was first broken? I tried running v260 with a disk (.dsk) image I downloaded (it does warn it's not working) but I'm pretty sure it is not the correct format?!? I find documentation of MAME drivers for microcomputers generally non-existent (or I'm not looking in the right place eg. source). Without a floppy the driver actually hangs MAME itself!

I might be interested in working on emulating this system. Many years ago I wrote a couple of MAME drivers and although the MAME core code has evolved several times since then, I'm not coming in totally green.

I might also be interested in writing a core for MiSTer. Again, I've written FPGA implementations in the past, and currently have a WIP MiSTer core under development, so not totally green there either.